Chapter 18

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Over the week we managed to sign a lot of agreement about trading and price regulations. Now diplomats and mercenaries will have more work which is good because they will get more money and they helped to lay the foundation on commercial ties with the Siada Kingdom.

The most important agreement was selling Ravendale's medicine. It's Ravedale's newest invention that is very effective than Etria's medicine and it's easy to mass-produce meaning we get a lot of income from it.

Ymir also hoped that we could sell weapons but seeing that our peace treaty with Faya coming to an end, I declined to sell the weapons. Making weapons takes more time than making medicine. Other than that, Ravendalian people will curse me if I were to sell weapons to the Siada Kingdom when we would need the most in the war with Faya.

We don't know for sure if Faya would want to go war with us so we had to be careful.

After that, I signed a final agreement with the Siada Kingdom and I made a speech very I formally invited Kind Ymir and his consorts to Ravendale. Overall, Siada's nobles are more pleased with the result of the meeting.

With that, we headed back to Ravendale with ships that filled with Siada's good and gifts.

King Ymir was kind enough to send us a ship that will escort us till the end of Siada's sea border so we wouldn't have to deal with the pirates.

Luckily, we didn't face any pirates outside the borders.

Then we were greeted by the Ravendalian ship outside the sea border. I guess Nathaniel knew that we've been attacked by the pirates while we were heading to the Siada Kingdom.I missed him and I missed my children. Thinking of them made me smile Nathaniel saw this and asked.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"Oh nothing I'm just glad that I'm able to come back to the Ravendale, I just can't wait to see your brother and our children." Nathaniel smiled at my sentence. He also can't wait to see our children.

Of course, the news of a successful agreement between Ravendale and the Siada Kingdom reached fast to reporters. They awaited in Ivyvale's port, some of the reporters even went to Bridgeport in case we decide to avoid them.

Some people were skeptical that Ravendale can reach an agreement with Siada Kindom, but since the meeting was successful. It means businesses will have more competition, the prices will become affordable to the common people and Ravendale will have more money to invest in projects.

Of course, for noble it's isn't a very good thing to have competition, they were against because they thought that the meeting is more likely to fail, but since it's was successful they don't know what to do next.

The reporter saw the silhouette of the ship in the fog and sighed. They were right about coming to the Ivyvale's port.

As always the reporters started taking photos when they saw Annabelle and Nathaniel climbing down the ship and always they tried taking the interview. Annabelle reminded reporters that their statement will be published tomorrow.

Annabelle rarely in a mood taking interviews, she always preferred taking private interviews.Outside of the crowd filled with reporters stood a Royal Carriage. Next to it, there was Alexander who waited for Annabelle and Nathaniel.

The reporters noticed him and started taking pictures of him too.

Nonetheless, Alexander knew that this would happen so he sent more guards to the port to regulate the path for Nathaniel and Annabelle and also make sure there were no unexpected assassins.

Annabelle spotted Alexander and smiled. After stopping to answer some of the reporter's questions they have finally been able to reach the carriage. Alexander helped Annabelle to climb up to the carriage. After Nathaniel climbed into the carriage we started heading to the palace.

Annabelle moved closer to Alexander since she missed Alexander and wrapped her arm around his arm. Alexander smiled at Annabelle.

"Pretty tired? I know that travel wasn't the pleasant that we hoped for." Alexander said softly and I just hummed in agreement.

"Oh tell me about it, I'm glad that we've been able to come back to Ravendale safely." Nathaniel sighed in relief. Nathaniel didn't have the best experience in Siada but Annabelle made sure that he wasn't completely upset. For Nathaniel, it's been hard for him to adapt to the Siada's weather and food. On the other, Annabelle was more open-minded to the different kinds of foods.

"Still, I'm happy that you both managed to pull through and made a successful agreement." Alexander praised us. The agreement with the Siada Kingdom meant a lot to us and the Ravendale.

"Thank you, what about you? I hope it's wasn't hard managing Ravendale's affairs by yourself?"I asked Alexander he only smiled.

"Managing Ravendale wasn't hard because you can delegate the responsibilities to the other people. The only thing was hard is taking care of the children, they missed you so much so they would become either sad or naughty." Alexander explained to me and smiled.

"What about you?" I asked Alexander and he looked at me.

'Me?" He curiously asked.

"Did you miss me?" I asked Alexander.

"Oh, I definitely missed you." Alexander purred and pulled me on to his lap and I grinned kissing him on the cheek.

In an hour we arrived at the palace and greeted by the children. Then I went to the lounge room to drink tea and listening to my secondary husbands' report.

"How were the appointments handled ?" I asked them. If I didn't have my secondary husbands I would probably have to cancel them. I guess this is one of the benefits to have multiple husbands.

"The people who agreed to talk with us, we managed to write down all the issues and proposals into the paper. The one who preferred to talk about the issues with you, we rescheduled their appointment three months later." Abel explained.

Three months? They were displaying power over them, to be fair not a lot of people were content with the previous status of my secondary husbands.

They continued reporting about which nobles agreed to talk with them and what their issues were.

"Oh, Is there anything major planned this week?" I asked them.

"Well nothing major, but the former Queen wants you to come to their residence," Alistair informed me.

My grandmother? She will ask me about the trading agreement that we made with the Siada Kingdom.

It's either can be a good thing or a bad thing.

I sighed.


I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!

Currently I will be starting the third year of college and I will be more busy with the college work but I will try to finish writing the sequel since currently I'm writing Chapter 34 and after I finish the book I will be able to upload more frequently.

So far how are you enjoying the book? I would like to know in the comments ^-^!

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