Chapter Sixteen

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Jake cracked his door open, looking around the living room through the narrow slit. "Hannah? You in there?" He called out. There was no answer. He hadn't really been expecting one but fear had made him call out anyway.

He slipped inside and locked the door. Part of him wished she was there. Any other time he'd hurt himself, even something as small as a paper cut, she'd been right there to see him through it. Surely a bullet to the side would warrant a day of cuddles and movie marathons.

The pain in his side had faded considerably and he'd pulled the stitches out just that morning. Hopefully he could pass it off as a...he wasn't sure what. But if he kept quiet she would supply an excuse for him. Personally he'd wanted to go with a mugging and near stabbing but Warren had destroyed that idea almost immediately.

Apparently, that was too dramatic.

Jake dropped his suitcase at the foot of his bed and fell face first down onto the mattress. The springs groaned in protest. "And now my bed is calling me fat," he mumbled into the covers. A familiar scent wafted over him and he lifted his head. Only then did it occur to him that he'd left the blankets in a disheveled heap.

The bed was neatly made now, the sheets tucked under the mattress and the pillows fluffed and arranged. He dragged over the only one that looked used and found the origin of the smell. Jake pressed his nose into it, inhaling the gentle coconut shampoo.

He'd been dead in his feet when he walked in but now felt a new wave of energy pass over him. He bolted out of bed, wobbling a little at the sudden pulling in his side. He cursed under his breath and exhaled sharply through his nose. The pain passed quicker every time but it still took his breath away. That was something he could cope with, as long as he could still move that was fine. Just fine.

Keys in hand, he dashed back down the to his car and made the trip to Hannah's apartment. He stopped at the door, chewing nervously at his lip. During the drive he hadn't thought about much more than getting to her but now...he was having a silent heart to heart with her door. Jake finally raised his fist and knocked softly.

He heard her call out a question from inside but didn't answer. A few minutes later the door swung open and Hannah flung herself at him. "You're back," she sighed, hanging onto him tightly.

"Mmhm. You gonna let me in or should we stay out here in the hall?" Jake asked.

Hannah laughed and dragged him inside. She'd let go just long enough to close the door before she was on him again. "Why didn't you call to tell me you were coming over?"

"I just sort of figured you'd be here," he replied. Jake walked her backwards to her little loveseat and sat them both down. "And if not I could wait in the bed and surprise you."

"You know I don't like surprises Jake," Hannah reminded him.

"Well, that makes this a little awkward," Jake started. He pulled away from her and dug into his pocket.

Hannah clapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes widening. "You're can't, I can't let Seb be right," she whispered, making no real move to stop him.

"What? How would he know about this at all?" Jake muttered. He pulled a small silver key from his pocket and held it out to her. "I didn't tell anyone."

"Oh, it's not a ring," Hannah noted with some relief.

"Not this time," he teased.

"So then why the key? Is it to your secret man lair?"

"I don't have one of those," Jake sputtered. He waved away her questions and held the key out. "It's to my apartment."

"Have you finally decided to stop leaving a key under the door mat?" Hannah smirked. She took the key and fiddled with it.

"It's your key," he explained. They were both quiet a little longer before he continued. "I'm not doing this right. Hannah, I want you to move in with me."

"You what?" The key slipped from her fingers to drop to the couch between them. It bounced off the cushion and onto the floor. Hannah's mind came to a complete standstill and she stared into his hope filled eyes.

"I am asking," Jake began, scooping the key off the floor, "you to move in with me." He held it back out to her. With every passing moment of silence, his hope dropped away.

"Yes," Hannah finally answered. It was so quiet he almost missed it. She had to repeat it again when his expression didn't change.

"Seriously?" Jake shouted and threw his arms around her in a hug. He was able to muffle a whimper in her shoulder and disguise it as a happy cry. "This is...this is going to be so amazing!"

"I know! A whole new apartment to decorate," Hannah cheered.

"You can't redecorate my entire apartment," he groaned. "I mean, you already got your hands on half of it."

"Long term goals," she joked. They both laughed and Hannah toppled over with Jake. She looked around her apartment and sighed.

"Regrets already?"

"No, never. I'm just trying to decide what to keep and what to get rid of," Hannah explained.

"You're gonna keep me though right?"

"I guess, if I really have to," she sighed dramatically.

Jake rolled his eyes and dropped a pillow over her face. She smacked it off and dragged him back down to her.

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