Chapter Eighteen

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"All done for the night Hannah?" a doctor called out to her as she headed for the locker rooms.

"Yep, finally," she sighed. With flu season in full swing, Hannah had been picking up shifts left and right. Not only was she covering shifts for sick nurses but the clinic next door had been begging for help and she couldn't say no.

"You keep working yourself like this and you'll get yourself sick again," the doctor warned.

"I think I know my limits doctor," Hannah argued, laughing to lighten the directness of the words. "Have a nice night doctor." She waved again and close the locker room door behind her. As she stepped in, the door clicked shut and the lights went out. A hand slid over her mouth and she jabbed her elbow back into a soft stomach.

"Dammit, you have hard elbows," a voice grunted as footsteps retreated quickly.

Hannah squinted her eyes trying to see in the dark room. There was a glimmer of light and a flash of red before her hands were bound. "Who's there?"

"You don't recognize me? I'm hurt." One of the light flickered in and Hannah rolled her eyes when she saw Hijack standing across the room from her. "Hey, you're a nurse, you'll make me feel better right?"

"You're disgusting," Hannah snapped. She tugged gently at the zip tie around her hands, just for show. They'd be easy to snap apart but it needed to look...natural. She glanced around the room for something to hook them on the slice through. "What do you want?"

"A guy can't visit his favorite nurse?" He sat comfortably in one of the chairs, stretching his legs out ahead of them and crossing them at the ankles. "Eyes on me," he snapped quickly after noticing her scanning the room.

"I could just scream."


"Or what?"

"Look," he began, straightening up in his seat before continuing , "I just want to ask a few questions and then I'll go. It in your best interest to answer quickly."

"Or what?" Hannah repeated much more slowly.

"Surely there's someone you love out there who might be alone right now," Hijack wondered aloud. His heart was pounding in his chest like it could break through any second. The look in her eyes nearly made him fear for his life. Her hands were clenched so tightly he was half convinced she'd be able to snap her bindings then and there.

"Talk, fast," she snapped.

"Are you friends with a cape?" He asked.

"It's a little hard to be friends with someone who hides their identity don't you think?" Hannah took a seat on the floor leaning against the lockers. If she could just get her phone, she could text Jake and get him to run. He's be home by now watching some late night talk show. She hated them but he loved the gritty news stories. She'd seen him get so wrapped up in them he completely tuned out the world around him.

He wouldn't hear anyone in the room.

He was alone.

"You didn't answer my question," Hijack pointed out. He glanced down at his watch and then the door.

"Expecting someone?" Hannah took advantage of him looking away to slip a hand into her pocket.

"Your phone isn't going to work, signal blocker." Hijack held up a small black disc between two fingers. "And you still haven't answered my question."

The silence between them deepened, the only sounds coming from people passing outside the door. Somebody would have to come in sooner or later. Hannah heard there nearing footsteps and started to move into a crouch to stand. There was a quick glow of purple under the door and the footsteps quickly departed.

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