Rose Colored Glass

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Another long day at the hospital and Harvey shuffles into his hotel room and hangs his jacket on the hook by the door. He lets out an exhausted sigh as he loosened his tie and plops down onto the bed. His phone vibrates in his coat pocket and groans getting back up to check who it is. He held his breath in excitement hoping it was the farmer but sadly, it's not.

Hey baby! Are you out of work yet?

Yeah I'm out

Can we video chat for a bit?

Yeah I'll be on in a sec hon

Harvey sits down at his desk and invites Ashley on a video call. He forces a half smile seeing her pop up on the screen.

"Hey baby." She grins resting her chin on her hands, "How was work today?"

"It was long... but good..." Harvey assures her, "Been treated like an intern all day but I can't complain."

"Oh please, I bet it wasn't that bad." Ashley lightly chuckles, "Drink some coffee and you'll be fine."

Harvey glances at her annoyed about the coffee comment. They bantered before about his caffeine "addiction" since she likes to brag that she's a tea drinker. Even if he wasn't exhausted, he won't want to entertain Ashley by retaliating.

Harvey sighs changing the subject, "You know, I've been feeling guilty about leaving without telling anyone." He admits.

"You told me," Ashley pointed out, "Am I not enough?" She asked feeling offended.

"That's not what I meant—" He stated calmly with slight irritation.

"That's exactly what you meant!" She shouted, "You're just upset that you didn't say goodbye to your little whore friend. Well face it Harvey, she didn't want to say goodbye to you."

"That's a straight up lie, Ashley!" Harvey yelled, "She was wondering where I was the day I left! I know because I talked to her yesterday!"

She remained quiet and expressionless knowing she was caught red handed in a lie. What else did she say to him that was a lie?

"I have to get ready for bed." He states hanging up on her.

Harvey takes off his glasses and buries his face into his hands letting out a long sigh. It's clear to him now that he needs to end their relationship, and he would've done it over their video call but he held himself at a higher standard that he would rather do it in person.

The thought ate at him wondering what the repercussions were, it's quite obvious that she would through a tantrum but she could also lash out at him in frustration or the more sociopathic response would be to accept the break up and later Ashley could seriously hurt Adella.

His hands quivered down his face imagining her limp body being wheeled off to the emergency room. He pats around his desk for his glasses and shakily places them on his face. His phone receives a text notification making him groan thinking it's from Ashley but his heart skipped a beat seeing it's from the farmer.

Hey how was your day Harves?


Sorry to hear :(
At least we're both exhausted together :)

Oh yeah? How'd your day go?

Typical farming stuff... I got chickens for the winter!

Adella attaches a picture of her new baby chicks. Harvey couldn't help but smile at the fuzzy chicks.

They're really cute <3
They must get it from their mom

You have a girlfriend remember?

But I'm starting to think I shouldn't be with her...

Oh really?
I'm glad you took the rose-colored glasses off
If you need a place to stay my door is always open :)

Thanks :)
But I have to tell her first

You said you'll be back for the fair right?
Break up with her then

Only if it were that easy...

What do you mean?

I'm worried if I do break up with her, she'll might go after you cause she'll think you made me break up with her

I would say you're being ridiculous but you make a fair point
I can take care of myself if it does happen :)

I bet you can but it doesn't stop me from worrying

I can guarantee you I'll be fine :)

Harvey smiles as his anxiety subsided over their conservation. He can genuinely tell she can hold her her own if Ashley does something. A farmer is a physical demanding job so it's inevident that Adella can hold her own in a fight or any altercation she comes across.

I believe you :)
Hey can we video chat for a bit?

Sure :)

Harvey invites her to a video call and they chat for a while. In the back of his mind I wishes he could go back and tell Adella how he fells before Ashley showed up. Just to save him the hurt and abuse he got from her, but he knows he's safe for now till he decides to come to the fair. At least he knows someone is there for him when he comes back to town.

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