17 Pandemonium

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There must be something strangely sacred in salt. It is in our tears and in the sea.

Khalil Gibran

There's nothing more unendurable in life than disagreeable revelations

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There's nothing more unendurable in life than disagreeable revelations. What a mind cannot conceive, how can one accept? Forcing a heart is folly, as it's bargaining happiness for eternity.

He stares at her flabbergasted, unable to comprehend what she has just said. If she has joked with him to bug him, he doesn't find it funny, at all.

"Is this some other trick of yours, habibi?"

"If it was, didn't you say my tricks are getting old for you now?"

"This one is surely new."

"Because it's no trick, Burq." She sighs and looks away out of the window on the opposite wall. "I speak truth."

The fading sunlight at dusk ease on her face, beautifying it, leaving her dark eyes as they reflect it back and shimmer, unveiling some secrets while leaving out the others.

"Did we have this conversation before?" he asks tersely.

"Yes, but on a serious note."

His heart begins to sink as his brain tries to put the pieces together. He takes in a gulp of air.

"Look at me."

Leyla does so at his command.

"Do you even know what you're telling me?" He has an edge to his tone.

"I do."

The clock ticks and seconds slip by. None of them speaks. He's short of words, and she probably has a lot to say.

"What," he questions her with a twisted gut, "what was your answer?"

She smiles and leans down to his level. Like on rare occasions, Burq sees pain and conflict in her orbs, raw like an open wound, instead of her usual mystery she carries in them. Her smile is a lie to deceive her emotions, he knows.

She places her palm over his cheek and her thumb grazes up his cheekbone. "I said yes."

His sanity goes haywire. His limbs feels numb. He parts his lips to respond but nothing comes out except a sound of disbelief. He sounds like choking.

Stupefied, he let's out a startled laugh. "No no no, absolutely no. Never." He takes hold of her wrist and removes her hand from his face, but doesn't let her go. "You're telling me we're... we're married?" He shakes his head. "Impossible. Do you even know the gravity of what you're saying? I cannot even think of getting married, let alone actually be."

In contrast to his outburst, she remains stoic and calm, as if they're shooting the breeze in his study room- as if she expected this reaction out of him. Her facade bothers him.

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