27 Sensation

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And here you come with a shield for a heart and a sword for a tongue.

Carol Ann Duffy

The rain is falling in a faint drizzle when he reaches his destination

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The rain is falling in a faint drizzle when he reaches his destination. The sky is in faded shades of blue and gray, the clouds floating around in broken pieces like some splattered paint on an artist's palette. Winter is falling apart, he can see that.

Waleed parks his car in front of the hotel and Burq looks out through the back seat window. He isn't losing his nerves, but he's a little anxious nonetheless.

"Are you sure this is the place?"

"Yes, my lord. Your lordship, Raad, is staying here."

He hums and unlocks his door, getting out before Waleed. He follows after him instantly. The rain pepper kisses his skin before Waleed opens an umbrella for him. Burq grips his crutches tightly.

"I'll go myself," he announces. "Wait for me outside."

Waleed nods in understanding and steps back. Burq walks inside into the hotel lobby. He takes the elevator to the desired floor and finds Raad's room. For good five minutes he continues debating in his head whether to ring the bell or just go back home. Leyla's words keep clicking in his head. Then he sighs and rings the door bell.

The door opens after a minute.

"Akhi?" Raad receives him with a surprised expression.

Burq clears his throat and greets him, "Salam."

"Salam," he greets him back with the same perplexity.

"I, uh... I came here to talk to you, Raad."

Raad takes a moment to respond,  recovering from the initial shock of seeing him and stepping aside to let him in.

"Come in."

Burq follows him inside and finds his suitcase open in the middle of his room. He was apparently in the process of packing before being interrupted.

"You're leaving," Burq states rather than questioning, concluding that much himself.

Raad nods and steals away his gaze. "The baby is due soon. I can't stay longer. I only came here for you but..." He looks back at Burq who stares straight into his eyes. Raad shifts his weight to the other foot uneasily.

"Congratulations, brother," Burq wishes him coolly.

Raad's expression colors stunned once more before dissolving into a smile. "Thank you." He rubs his palms together, eyes flicking around before finding his. "Burq, I... I'm so sorry. I know Doha and I hurt you badly. Heck. We broke you." He sighs and scrubs his face. "We lost your trust. I never meant to, akhi. Doha never meant too."

When Burq continues staring at him silently, Raad scratches behind his ear nervously.

"I loved her, Burq. I just couldn't tell you because you did too," he confesses. "I stepped back and remained quiet about my feelings because I didn't want to hurt your feelings. But she came to me with her heart and I couldn't break it; I couldn't do it to her."

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