Run away

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I want to skedaddle
afar from the blinding neon lights,
bill boards and the skyscrapers that kiss the blue canvas high up,
away from the city hullabaloo
and the deafening honks of vehicles,

and live,
amidst the frondescence of forests
in a dandy white castle,
its reflection visible
in the pellucid waters.

I want to dance
to the rhythm of the tranquil breeze
like the fragile yellow leaves that flutter,
and walk in a sunflower field
embracing the flawless beauty
that surrounds me as I smile.

I want to sleep
on the huge stone beside the lake
and wake up to the squeaking of squirrel that's caressing my cheeks
with its teensy limbs.

I want to talk
to the ivory swans floating
on water in all its grandeur,
look after them all day
like I wanted to, always.

I want to gather
the scrumptious tangerines
and gratify my peckish tummy,
wander deep into the woods
and listen to the chime of the bells
of the cottage that lies
amidst the greenery.

Oh yes, I want to skedaddle
to all these beautiful places

because, I am a mad, mad girl
walking on the cloud
of my own imaginations
absconding from reality.

A mad, mad girl
in love with the moon
and floats on the clouds
like a dandelion.

A mad, mad girl
who dreams of the unreal.


And when she wakes up she is
a mad, mad girl
in a sad, sad world.


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