Accusations, Apologies, and Understandings

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Severus PoV:

Severus Snape landed in Godric's Hollow just seconds after the departure of his grave. He noticed that he hadn't apparated just anywhere in Godric's Hollow. He had arrived right next to his sweet Lily's grave. Suddenly, there were several more cracks and people started appearing around him. But not just any people; people he knew to be dead, like him. Dumbledore, Sirius, Mad-Eye, Dobby. Lupin, Tonks, Fred Weasley. Had they died as well?

Suddenly, there was a sound underneath the ground of the graves of Lily and James Potter. It couldn't be...Severus thought though he was mentally crossing his fingers (a muggle tradition he had learned as a kid). After several moments, there was a loud bang and dirt flew in every direction. Out came a young woman with waist-length red hair and almond-shaped emerald green eyes.

"Lily." he breathed in wonder. She smiled at him warmly, something she hadn't done to him in years, years even before she had died, and he returned it happily. Many people looked at him oddly, probably to see him smiling. Just then, a man with untidy black hair and hazel eyes stepped out. James Potter. Severus had used to loathe him to the core but after dying, he felt a lot of the hate seep out of him. Severus nodded curtly at James who returned the gesture respectfully.

The peaceful silence was broken by Lily exclaiming, "Where's Harry?! Where's my baby boy?!?!" Severus cringed. How would she react when she found out that her son was now a teenager, possibly older for Severus had no idea how much time had passed since he had died.

"Lily, calm down, Harry's all right." Dumbledore soothed to the frantic woman.

"My baby's probably missing his Mummy! I need to see him!" she cried out, and Severus painfully realized that this was the time to tell her.

"Lily," her head snapped toward him, "You must know that Harry survived and grew up as the Boy-Who-Lived - "

Lily cut him off, "What do you mean grew up?!?!" she asked in a strained voice that full of pain, but also had a threatening tone to it.

"Well...erm...when I died, he was...17-" Severus braced himself for what was to come.

"17?!?! MY BABY BOY IS SEVENTEEN?!?! HE GREW UP WITHOUT ME?!?!" Lily screeched. James put a hand on Lily's shoulder.

"Calm down, Lils," he said soothingly.

"CALM DOWN?!?! MY BAY BOY HAS GROWN UP WITHOUT ME!!! Who did he grow up with?" everyone winced and Severus noticed that Dumbledore's eyes were looking everywhere but at Lily, when his eyes met Severus', Severus gave him a pointed look and he let out a small sigh.

Dumbledore mumbled something unintelligible. It was the first time Severus had seen him so...afraid. As he should be! he thought bitterly.

"Who did he grow up with?!" Lily pushed suspiciously, a hint of venom distinguishable in her voice.

"Your sister," Dumbledore stated weakly and Severus saw him tense up and close his eyes bracingly.

Dumbledore PoV:

"WHAT?!?!" screeched Lily and she rounded on him, taking a step forward. Albus took a step back. "YOH LEFT MY SON WITH MY MAGIC-HATING SISTER?!?! I SAID IN MY WILL THAT HARRY WOULD NOT GROW UP THERE AT ALL COSTS!" Albus knew this was true and felt guilty, but he had done what needed to be done.

"I know but-" he started but was cut off by the raging mother.


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