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Multiple PoVs:

"I'm pregnant!" Ginny exclaimed happily. The words seemed to bounce off of Harry. 

He froze, unable to speak. When he finally managed to get a small hold of himself, all he managed to get out weakly was, "M-more?"

"Yes, more." Ginny said rolling her eyes. "Honestly, what did you expect Potter, when you married a Weasley?" Everyone in the other room was struggling to stifle their laughter at Harry's response. 

"Well that's gonna be one heck of an age gap!" James II pointed out as he walked into the room. 

"Yes, but I'm sure you'll treat them very well, James." Ginny said kindly but firmly, proving he was not to argue, not that he would anyway.

"Them?" Harry seemed to be the only one who had caught on to Ginny's little hint.

"Oh, right! The doctor said I'm having twins!" Ginny announced cheerfully.

"T-twins..." the people in the other room heard Harry murmur faintly followed by a loud thud. Forgetting their cover, everyone rushed into the hall to find an unconscious Harry lying on the ground with Ginny standing over him an amused look plastered to her face. Her head suddenly snapped up at the pounding of many footsteps and when she saw who was there, a look that was not quite as vicious as Harry's at first, replaced the one of amusement. 

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" she hissed, her eyes flashing as she grabbed her wand from the pocket of her robes

Sirius sighed and rubbed the bridge if his nose. "Not another Harry..." he groaned and Ginny's face temporarily morphed into one of bemusement.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she growled.

"It means that you're overreacting nearly as much as Harry. Though I really don't think anyone could reach his level of ferocity. Yeesh." Ginny froze as her lost brother, Fred, spoke up in the crowd.

"Prove to me that you are who you say you are!" Ginny demanded, threat lacing her every word.

"At least she's giving us a chance to explain ourselves..." Remus muttered and Ginny had to hide a smile in the serious situation, imagining her husband's reaction to them turning up on the doorstep. Her thoughts immediately became more solemn as her "brother" cleared his throat.

"Why don't you ask me anything you'd like from our childhood?" he proposed and Ginny nodded.

"Okay...what was the first prank you played on me?" she challenged and Fred smiled.

"When you were two, George and I turned you hot pink because you already at that age had made it clear that you hated the color. Then, as an apology, we turned you sky blue, which was your favorite color until at least the Battle." Fred explained and Ginny barreled into him, knocking him down with the force of her hug.

"Ah...Ginny...can't...breathe..." Fred choked out and a worried Ginny sprang off of him as quickly as a rabbit made to run when it spotted a predator. "Wouldn't want to put me back in my grave, would you, dear sister?" 

"Uhhh....guys? What about Harry?" Remus asked pointing to the middle-aged wizard who still laid sprawled on the floor. 

"I've got this!" James II assured them, with a mischievous grin plastered to his face. He ran off into another room and they heard the sound of running water and a series of clunks. James II came back with a large bucket of ice water. Not even his mother tried to stop him as he snuck up on Harry and dumped it onto his face. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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