Chapter 43

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Kevion POV

The moment Keyona came out the office, I knew something happened. The look in her eyes, told me that it was more than what she said. But I let it go and carried her down the stairs. She told Dauntes dad they Daunte wanted to talk to him privately. I knew it was serious and very personal. Antonio didnt know what to do, but of course Keyona being Keyona, she comfort him and gave him the push he needed. It was a beautiful moment but of course it had to be ruined.


I could not stand that girl. She tried to tell people what to do and give orders when Daunte is not around. She constantly thinks, just because she is pregnant by Daunte, that she has the right to run people. Of course the members will listen to every order because they dont know who she really is. The devils daughter, so they will listen to her once she threaten to tell Daunte and have then killed if they didnt do as she said. It was pretty pathedic and annoying. But not as annoying as being in her presents.

"Why are you here? What the fuck are you doing in my house?" She said with that annoying squeaky voice of hers. "How many times do we have to tell you, its not your house, you crazy bitch?" Leo said with so much venom. I dont know know what happened between them two but I dont think nobody hates her, as much as Leo does.

"Excuse me?" She said and Leo rolled his eyes, "Dont nobody want you here, especially Daunte." Her face became angry, "Do you know I am? Im the one carrying Dauntes heir and he loves me." She said with a smirk on her face as she looked at Keyona, but what surprised me the most, was that Keyona didnt move a muscel when Briana said that. It was like it didnt fase her. I thought it would of hurt her, knowing she was in love with Daunte. Yeah, I think I knew they were in love with each other, before they knew it themselves. Its was pretty funny how soft Daunte became when we brung my sister up in a conversation. Not soft like weak but soft like, its his favorite subject to talk about.

I stared at Keyona for a minute waiting for her to be upset, but it never came. Instead she started laughing. Like bent over, holding her stomach, tears coming out her eyes laughing. I thought she was crazy before she grabbed onto my arm and stood up to face her. "Seriously?" She laughed again. "You seriously believe he loves you. How would he feel if he found out the truth about everything." Keyona said through laughs. "Your like a little leech that dont take no for an answer and cant deal with rejection. Your pathedic, along with that bitch Sophia." She said and shook her head. "Help me to the front door. I need to leave." She started limping out the living room towards the front door, holding onto my arm for support. We were about to walk past Briana but she stood in our way and looked at Keyona up and down. Before I knew what was happening, Briana knees Keyona in her injured leg. Keyona yelled in pain and grasped onto my arm and quickly grabbed her leg.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I heard Leo scream before I heard feet running down the stairs. By then, Keyona got her strength back and quickly stood tall and swung, punching Briana right in the nose and having her stumble back into Daunte. While everyone stood looking at Keyona, how she just punched a pregnant woman, Daunte helped Briana up and checked on her, making sure her and the baby were okay. Which ended up pissing me and everyone off. But we also knew he was more worried about the baby.

"Are you okay? Is my baby okay?" He asked Briana with so much concern in his voice and I noticed how Keyona tensed up. I knew that hurt her to watch and it hurt me to see my sister hurt. Daunte turned back towards us and walked over to me and Keyona with an angry look in his face. "How can you punch a pregnant woman? A woman that's pregnant with my child! I didn't know you would scoop down that fucking low, Keyona."

When he said that, I stepped up to him along with Leo and Oliver. Daunte and I stood face to face, nose to nose. I won't let anyone disrespect my sister. "I don't give a fuck who you are, but you won't be speaking to my fucking sister like that. That pregnant bitch kneed my sister in her injured leg and she got what the fuck she deserved. You raised your voice at my sister, the woman you love, for a bitch that means nothing to you." I said with so much venom before I pushed him away from me and my sister.

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