Chapter 7

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It was dusk when the two made their way out of the water. Having washed away the mud they were drenched in before, Aria couldn't feel much better than she did.

She collapsed onto the floor, breathing in the earthly aroma as the first stars started to appear in the sky.
Peter smiled down at her, settling opposite to Aria.

Against the noise of the birds that were retiring for the end of the day, the gentle murmur of the water can only just be heard as the two children laid on the soft grass.

Aria gazed at the night sky, finding comfort in them. Stars lit up the sky like snow flakes yet still appeared like a drawing.
The moon shone brightly, seeming to follow Aria wherever she was.

It was the first time in Narnia where she had stopped to admire it all and to Aria, it was beautiful.

"It's my first time seeing the stars so clearly that it's surreal. It's hard to imagine this is all real".

Peter smiled before replying, "It definitely is".

"Back in London, I couldn't see a single star and whenever I did, it always cheered me up".

Aria smiled at the memory.
The winds were always frigid in London. Barren and dark with not a star shining through the mist.
But an exception always made her forget anything bad.

"Yes, it was cold and dark. But the moon was always there, wherever I was, whatever condition I was in, it always accompanied me".
"And now here too. It's like meeting an old companion".

Aria glanced at Peter, smiling when their eyes met.

She looked back up at the sky, a million thoughts pushing themselves into her mind.

Aria sighed. "Narnia is so much more than I could ever ask for".

Peter looked over at the girl who seemed to be distracted in her thoughts.
"Was it hard? Back in London?".

Aria fiddled with her fingers as they rested on her abdomen, trying to make up her mind about what she was about to say.

"London was... harsh". Aria stopped, contemplating if she should talk about it.
She glanced at Peter who smiled softly.

Aria bit her lip and glanced away.
"I live in an orphanage".
She glanced at Peter quickly.
"And don't feel sorry for me. I didn't know my parents to feel sad about it. Besides, not knowing my parents wasn't the worst part".

Aria sat up, resting her chin on her knees, her gaze fixed on Legacy as she spoke.
"Before the orphanage, I lived on the streets along with some others. I got into trouble with some boys several times because they always picked on us homeless children. But that's not the bad part", Aria gulped, feeling shameful for what she was about to say.

"When we are left with nothing much, some of us are chosen to steal. I've done it too". Aria pulled on the grass beside her, feeling terribly regretful about what she had done.

"That makes me a horrible person". Aria whispered the last words.

Peter watched her intently. The boy was flustered, not knowing what to say. He hadn't expected it to be her story and the more he thought of it, the more concerned he was.

"I know nothing I say can change your past or make you forget about it. But I'm sure about one thing",he said, reaching out to hold her hand.
"It does not make you a horrible person Aria. Don't ever think that. You did it to help them survive. That's You. You'll do anything to help others. And that's your best trait". 

Peter shifted so that he was closer to her. Aria looked up at him, her eyes meeting his.
There was kindness in his smile, a gentleness. And Aria felt relieved that she had talked to him about it.

Even if she didn't believe it herself, hearing someone phrase the situation in a different way for once, comforted her.

Peter squeezed her hand, assuring her it was alright.
"Dont ever feel ashamed. And we're in Narnia now. And nothing you said matters. As long as you are happy here".
Peter let go of her hand only when he was sure she had a smile on her face.

Aria looked at the boy and nodded.
"I am. And I'm glad I met you and your siblings. It makes Narnia a whole lot better".

Peter mirrored the smile on her face. "I'm glad you're my closest friend here. I always wanted to look out for my siblings that I thought I wouldn't have time for anything else. But I'm for sure happy we had some time together".

"Likewise". Aria nodded with a bright smile.

Peter stood on his feet, holding his hand towards Aria, urging her to take it.
Aria held it and from since a long time, she felt as if she belonged.
If not this place, then atleast the people.

It was easy to loose track of time and before they even realised, it was deeper into the night than they were allowed to stay out.

The two children found themselves rushing back to camp, knowing well that they would be hearing more than a few words from Oreius when they returned.

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