Chapter 38

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Aria leaned against the wall as she inspected maps and plans

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Aria leaned against the wall as she inspected maps and plans.

She rubbed her eyes and sighed as the lines seemed to mesh into one another.

Peter glanced at the girl from beside him.

He took her hand and squeezed it, flashing a comforting smile at the girl.

"Why don't you take a break? I'll join you in a minute".

Aria smiled back and nodded.

She turned towards the small opening in the room that opened to the outside and noticed Caspian still standing there.

She had heard the professor talking to Caspian before and it seemed the boy was having a hard time getting his thoughts together.

Aria walked towards the boy and stood next to him.

Caspian acknowledged her presence with a smile but went back to his thoughts, his face returning to the frown he had.

"The professor talked to you?", Aria asked and the boy turned to her questioningly.

Aria noticed this and flashed a guilty smile.

"I might have eavesdropped slightly", she confessed and the boy shook his head.

"Do you believe it? About what he said?", Caspian asked and the girl smiled.

"I never doubted it".
"I knew you for a long time Caspian. You need to start believing in yourself".

The boy lowered his gaze, deep in thought about what the professor had told him.

Professor Cornelius believed that he could be a great king and here was Aria believing the same.

But the boy did not know what to think.

Aria turned her gaze from the boy to her ring.
She twisted it around, thinking of what to say.

Feeling someone's gaze on her, Aria looked back into the room.

Her eyes met blue ones from the map table.
Peter was hunched over a map his eyes no longer on the lines and labels but on the girl.

The boy smiled and Aria returned it.

She turned back to Caspian, an amused smile growing on her face.

"You know, you remind me of someone I knew", she said.

Caspian turned to look at the girl, raising his brows in curiosity.

"A boy", she said. "He refused to believe that he was suitable to be king and kept denying it until the very end".

"He didn't want to lead an army and doubted himself so much and it certainly annoyed me that he didn't believe it".

Aria chuckled and shook her head.

"But he grew up to be one of the greatest kings Narnia could ever have".

Aria turned to look at Peter and Caspian followed her gaze.

His eyebrows raised in surprise and Aria smiled.

"I told him the same thing Caspian. We all believe in you. It's time you believe in yourself", she said.

"You shouldn't doubt yourself everytime you make a mistake. Just learn from it", she said, resting her hand on his shoulder.
"Be you Caspian. You have what it takes to be a great king. Just believe in yourself and everyone around you".

Aria smiled and Caspian couldn't help smiling back.

He nodded slightly as she patted his shoulder, a small smile on his face.

Aria scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest.

She glanced at Peter and then to Caspian as he stared at her with confusion.

"Turns out you two have a lot in common than you thought", Aria said.

Caspian smirked and turned away from the girl.

His eyes widened, however, as Telmarine men marched out of the tree line, a whole army armed to the teeth.


The boy pointed at the trees and the girl's eyes widened at the sight.

"Miraz. He's here".

"Peter!", she called out to the boy.

Peter along with his siblings who had just entered the room ran towards them.

They let out audible gasps as their gazes fell on the huge army.

Miraz rode his horse at the front, obvious in his gold armour and Aria narrowed her eyes at the man.

She turned to the others who all wore similar frowns.

"We're going to war sooner than we expected".

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