Chapter 6

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Hinata walked to the ice cream place, Kageyama's gift from earlier that day hidden in the back of his mind. Hinata knew it was too cold for ice cream, the leaves had already begun to fall from the trees. But regardless, Hinata loved the treat and was pleased to hear the Hoshi did as well.

"Oi! Hinata!"

Hinata looked up and grinned at the sight of Hoshi standing down the street in front of the ice cream parlor. "Hi Hoshi!"

The little orange-haired teen ran towards Hoshi, arms stretched out for a hug, and soon felt the warmth of another body holding him close. He took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of Hoshi's cologne mixed with chlorine from the pool. He probably swam earlier that day.

"How are you?" Hoshi asked, finally letting go of the smaller boy.

"I'm good! How're you?" Hinata replied, bright and bubbly.

"Fantastic. C'mon, let's go inside."

The two walked into the shop and got their ice cream, Hinata getting one scoop of vanilla and a scoop of strawberry, while Hoshi got mint and chocolate.

The two giggled as they left the store, sharing their ice cream with each other as they walked down the sidewalk. The soft breeze blew at them, but this time Hinata was prepared. He nuzzled himself further into the sweatshirt, keeping him warm from the fall wind.

"Isn't fall the best season?" Hoshi asked, tossing out the last of his ice cream.

Hinata nodded, still licking at his own. Even though fall wasn't the season for ice cream, Hinata loved wearing sweaters and watching the leaves turn pretty shades of red and orange (it had nothing to do with his hair!).

"So... What's your favorite color?" Hoshi asked, trying to start up a conversation.

Hinata giggled in response. "These are all boring questions!"

Hoshi's face turned a light shade of pink at Hinata's reply. "Just answer the question!"

As Hinata's giggling died down, he gave the question a thought. He liked all the colors, because every color had something special that it reminded Hinata of. Like, blue reminded him of...


Blue reminded him of Kageyama's eyes.

Hinata shook his head, trying to get rid of the thought. He was on a date with his boyfriend! He couldn't keep thinking about Kageyama.

"I... I like the color orange." Hinata blurted. It was random. He didn't know why he chose that one, out of all the colors he could choose.

"Haha, like your hair?" Hoshi snickered, and Hinata replied with a soft laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so."

The two continued the walk, Hinata eventually throwing away his treat. Soon they came to the pond and took a seat on a bench right in front of it. The wind made small ripples in the surface of the water and made the remaining leaves on the trees rustle as they blew against each other. It was peaceful to Hinata, listening to the sounds of fall.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head onto Hoshi's shoulder, enjoying the moment. It was so peaceful, he felt as though he could drift into a relaxing sleep at any moment. He felt his breathing slow as he drifted into the beginning of a soft slumber.

Until he felt Hoshi move from under him.

Hinata kept his eyes closed and body still, not wanting to startle Hoshi. He listened as Hoshi fumbled with something in his hands.


There was a soft murmur coming from Hoshi's phone.

"Oh I'm just hanging out with my... friend. Yeah."

There was a pause.

"Of course, baby. Yeah. See you~"

Hinata tried to process the information he had just heard as Hoshi hung up the call. Weren't they dating? Who did he call 'baby'? The orange haired boy slowly sat up, rubbing at his eyes. Maybe he was still asleep.

"Oh! Hinata! You're awake!" Hoshi exclaimed.

Hinata yawned and moved his head in an agreeing motion. "Yep. Hey, I think I should get going. I should probably be home before dinner."

Hoshi nodded, his head bobbing up and down exaggeratedly. "Of course. Okay! Bye!"

And with that he was off, walking away and leaving Hinata half awake on the bench.

"What the heck?" Hinata muttered under his breath.

By the time Hinata got home, he was fully awake. When he walked into his room, something in his reflection caught his eye.

The whole time, he had been wearing Kageyama's old sweatshirt.

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