Chapter 9

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Hinata groaned as he rolled over, the weight of a blanket on top of his tired body only making him want to sleep more. When he felt a hand stroking his hair, Hinata was confused. He opened his eyes, only to be blinded momentarily by a bright light. As the light began to fade, Hinata was able to make out faint shapes in his vision. He slowly brought a hand to his face, rubbing at his eyes to rid his vision of blurriness. As his eyes adjusted, he realized that he had no clue where he was.

"Oh Shoyo! I'm so glad you're okay!"

Hinata let out a small grunt as his mother wrapped him up in a tight hug.

"H-hi mom." Hinata said, squeezing her back. "Wh-what happened?"

His mother pulled away from the hug, wiping some stray tears from her eyes. "You were found passed out in an alleyway. You... you've been out for a whole day."

Hinata's mouth opened in shock, his frantic mind trying to process what was going on.

And then everything came back to him. He remembered going to the shop to get a gift for Kageyama. He remembered seeing Hoshi at the coffee shop. And he remembered running. Running, running, running.... and the rooftop. It was dark and rainy and... Had he really jumped? He remembered the voice, the panic and distress as it called out to him. Had it merely been his imagination?

"You're very lucky Tobio found you." Hinata's mother continued, snapping him back into reality. Hinata looked up to see his mother nervously playing with the sleeve of her sweater and cocked his head. Kageyama?

He watched as his mother turned around and beckoned to someone to come over. When he saw those familiar blue eyes now clouded with sadness, Hinata couldn't help but feel guilty.

After a moment of silence, Hinata's mom let out a small squeak.

"I... I'll give you two some time alone..." she said, backing out of the room and leaving the two boys by themselves.

They stayed silent for a moment, just staring at one another.

And then Hinata's flood gates opened. It started with his lip trembling, and then suddenly his eyes were pouring out fountains of tears and he was sobbing.

He felt strong and safe arms wrap around him and he crumbled into them, leaning his entire body into Kageyama's.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Hinata wailed, clutching onto the dark haired setters sweater.

"No! Please don't be sorry! It's not your fault at all." Kageyama assured, pulling the smaller boy closer to himself. "I got you. I should be sorry."

Hinata felt his fist tighten around fabric of Kageyama's sweater as he listened to the rapid beat of the taller males heart. "Why would you be sorry?"

"Because I..." Kageyama took a deep breath and pulled back, staring deep into Hinata's watery brown eyes. "I love you, Hinata Shoyo. I have for a while. But... but before, I couldn't understand my feelings. I thought they were wrong and weird, so I covered them up by calling you names. But then you'd do that little pout or... or whine or something, and then I'd feel the feelings I was trying to repress all over again. So I finally decided to... to uh, get a girlfriend. I thought that that would stop my feelings. But it didn't. Oh God. I'm so sorry. I watched as the life drained from you, and you changed. And I felt horrible. I realized how much you meant to me, and it hurt me to see you suffering like that. But by the time I had come to terms with the way I felt about you, you'd moved on. And your spark was back. And... I guess I was happy that you were happy, though deep down my heart ached to be with you. Um, and the reason why I didn't respond to your text about hanging out was because my phone had died. I was actually taking a shortcut through the alley to get home from getting groceries when I saw you. I... I was so scared because I thought that something horrible had happened, and I called an ambulance. Luckily, the doctors said you had probably just passed out from shock and exhaustion. Anyways, I- I'm glad you're okay. I guess what I really just wanted to say is... I love you. So much. And I always will."

Hinata sat there in dumbfounded silence, still trying to understand what was happening. This wasn't a dream? Kageyama liked him?!

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable!" Kageyama yelped, noticing Hinata's expression. "I didn't mean for-"

"Can I kiss you?"

Kageyama nodded leaning in, and suddenly Hinata was mere centimeters away from those wide, sky blue eyes.

A hand gently came up to his cheek, soft fingers travelled along his jawline and angling his head to face up in Kageyama's direction. A thumb gently traced his bottom lip.

And then Hinata leaned in and closed the gap. He felt the soft lips on his, and it was like a dream. He was kissing Kageyama Tobio.


It was as if time stopped. Hinata felt himself lean into the kiss, his already trembling body becoming even less stable. Kageyama's lips were so sweet and every time he pulled back for a breath, Hinata couldn't help but shakily lean up for more. He held Kageyama's sweatshirt tighter than he thought possible, still trying to convince himself that this was real, that this was happening.

It was the sound of the door to the room opening that brought the boys out of their intimate trance. Their gazes snapped up to the entrance where Hinata's mom was standing with a surprised expression, two cups of jello in her hands.

"I... I can leave these right here for you..." she whispered, placing the food on one of the chairs and slowly backing out of the room.

The moment she left, Hinata burst out into laughter.

"Oh no, is she mad?" Kageyama asked, worriedly grabbing Hinata's hand.

"N-no! She probably just didn't expect us to be kissing, that's all." Hinata said, wiping at his eyes. "Besides, even if she was mad, she couldn't stop my love for you."

Kageyama smiled softly and leaned in once more, peppering Hinata's face with soft kisses, each one eliciting a bubbly laugh from the orange haired boy.

The two spent the rest of the day eating jello and laughing together.

P.S. Kageyama loved the cat plushie.

Why would you ever kiss me?

Your laugh is adorable and your smile makes my heart explode.

I'm not even half as pretty.

You're so pretty.

You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester.

And I'll give you all my sweaters.

But you like her better.

Because I love you so much

I wish I were...


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