which of the sidemen knows y/n the best?

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*A/N i just copied this from the the who knows Ethan the best on the more sidemen channel because i couldn't be bothered. and also we dating Jj, if any requests on another member lmk x*

"hello fans! and welcome to 'how well to the sidemen know me y/n version.' 15 question all seven of you have to answer. are you ready?" I spoke

everyone said yes untimed and then Josh said "no, not yet." I counted down from 5 until he said he was ready and as soon as i got to three he shouted yes. "good, ok let's start"

"first question.. what's my favorite colour?" Jj yelled "you don't have one" "in fact I do. you're my boyfriend and you should know this better than anyone else you silly goose." I snapped and the boys started laughing while Jj started looking down. Simon started laughing and saying "yo we gonna get exposed" we all laughed. harry looked behind him and started saying "I don't wanna sit here cause you lot are looking at my answers" I started dying while they had an argument over trust.

"alright, does everyone want to reveal?" I asked suspiciously. everyone showed their boards and they all said red, except for Jj. Jj looked around noticing that everyone had the same answer while he held up blue. "Jj are you ok?" I asked and he sat there embarrassed. "bro it's literally red. it's like my signature colour. you should know this." he then started smirking realizing it is after seeing me wear the colours often 😏

"ok point for everyone except my boyfriend." I said and everyone started cheering while everyone started giving Jj shit for putting the wrong colour.

"ok next question! when's my birthday?" they all started looking clueless and I died from laughter I was pretty shocked that Jj even looked stuck. I was quite mad, but I didn't show it. Jj than looked at Tobi and whispered "has it already happened" but he said it loud enough for me to hear. "yes Jj my birthday has passed." he then got scared and started thinking really deep. "oh wait, wait no I know this" Jj said as it looked like Harry figured something out and they all started writing. Josh got it down so quickly and I was pleased. but was it right though?

most of them started saying they're good and got the answer. "alright everyone good?" i asked and they all said yes. "ok reveal the answers." they all revealed. "everyone's got it right apart from harry" I said and they all started laughing. "how did everyone get that, the hell it's y/n birthday." I put my hand on my chest acting disrespected and carried on.

"ok lads this is a hard question. what star sign am I?" they all sat in silence writing and thinking. "ok got your answers?" everyone nodded. "ok Simon reveal." I spoke he turned his board around and said "I went with saprisun" I looked at him with the most confused face I could give and said "moving on... harry?" "I went with it doesn't fucking mean anything you fairy fucking cunts" he said and I burst out laughing with everyone else. "ok uh- Jj?" "I went with Leo" he said confidently. "ok josh?" "I went with cancer because you give me it." everyone started laughing and I said "ok whatever, Tobi?" "I went with saggitits" and we all started laughing and I almost fell to the ground. and I said "Vik I swear to god" and he said "Scorpio"

"ok everyone got it wrong but Jj. and I'm gonna give Harry a point because I think that was a good statement." everyone was a bit mad I did that but hey I thought it was funny.

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