Ch.3: Leader Of The Pack

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It has been a few weeks since Eidon saved me and my body freaked the hell out. Eidon and I have surprisingly become really good friends.

He wouldn't leave me alone! Well, not that I ever asked him to. I've never really had a friend so it was nice to just have company that wasn't either trying to beat me to death or belittle me.

I stumble through things awkwardly sometimes, but he usually laughs at me then explains things I don't understand.

I finally don't feel so alone. When he's around, nobody dares to speak to me, but the second I'm caught alone they make it brutal.

My mind thinks back over the last few weeks. I recall all the nasty things I've had to experience, grateful Chance never persued his Friday night plans.

Lacey has been nastier than ever, more venom in her actions and words. Just yesterday she and her followers caught me in the bathroom and beat me. They left me in a pool of my own blood and with what I am pretty sure was a few broken ribs.

I was told to stay away from Eidon or pay the price at every turn. Why had he been brought into it now? Maybe she had a thing for him? Or maybe she just couldn't stand somebody actually showing me kindness. The world may never know....

They instructed me to do everybody a favor and just shrivel up and die. I just don't understand why they hate me so much. What could I have ever done to earn this much pure hatred? I remember closing my eyes as I lay on the cold, hard tile listening to the rasping of my breathing and the pinching of my ribs as my chest expanded with every breath.

Last thing I remember was closing my eyes and feeling like I was floating. I came too a couple hours later still on the floor, still in a puddle of blood but with not a scratch on me.

I climbed up and looked at myself in the mirror. My face was the same as it always was, same pouty raspberry tinted lips above my dimpled chin. Same cute lil button nose , as Mom calls it, perched above my lips, which was surprisingly straight after the beating I took.

My eyes weren't black and purple. I sat there staring at them in the mirror. The yellow flecks that danced in my otherwise fire orange pupils glimmered. I'm not one to say I was pretty or anything, but I could look worse.

My eyes were definitely unique. I'd never met anybody else with eyes like mine, no werewolf, vampire, shifter or even fae for that matter.

I had been researching fae, elementals and more trying to discover where I might have come from as recent events pointed to a need to know. Did I have powers too? How would I control them if I did. Was I gonna shift? So many questions danced in my eyes.

As I remember focusing on them, I swear I saw a spark ignite in the black of my eye. I watched it closely, studying it. It smouldered and then grew. I could clearly see the fire burning there. How? What did it mean?

I heard the twisting of the door knob and realized it was locked. They really must've wanted me to die as they locked the door on their way out.

I heard keys jingle seconds before a key slid into the knob and it turned to open. A lady janitor backed in pulling a cart in front of her. She had headphones on and hadn't noticed me just yet.

I quickly back stepped into the stall behind me and closed the door as quietly as I could. I was terrified. If she found me here, blood everywhere, what would happen?

My heart was racing as I stood up on the toilet and watched her through the gap in the dividers. She swayed her hips and lip synced some unheard song. As she grabbed a mop and turned to go to the furthest stall she stopped dead in her tracks.

Born To BurnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora