Ch. 9: Hidden Hollow

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The darkness was thick and encumbering. I felt Eidon behind me. His hand brushed my arm and he ran it down my forearm and grabbed my hand.
"Frey? Faline?" I whispered.

"We're here Ember. Just keep moving forward." Falines sing song voice rang out. So, I kept moving forward.

Suddenly massive trees shot up from the ground on both sides of the path that appeared beneath our feet. It was still dark, but I could now see shapes. I could easily make out the trunks of the tree's and the path winding ahead of us.

Eidon growled and stepped in front of me, releasing my hand. I could hear impish laughter spiraling from above us which caused me to squint as I searched for its origins.

"OUCH!" Frey yelled, "Did you throw a rock at me? He threw a fucking rock at me!" He continued.

Faline lost all restraint and erupted into hysterical laughter.

"Who's sorry now asshole?" Was asked just before you heard a whooshing sound and Frey yelled out again.

Suddenly, all matter of things rained down from the unseen treetops while a chorus of hoots, laughs and insults flew down with them. All aimed at Frey who yelped, yelled and cursed back.

As abruptly as the assault started, it ended. I held my breathe waiting a second wave, but it didn't come. Maybe the imps have had their revenge.

We catch up to Frey and Faline as she was taunting him about maybe being nicer to the next set of imps. We continued on, as light finally started to penetrate what I now realized was a canopy above us. I looked forward and could see a glimmer of light at the end of this tunnel like trail.

A soft, shadow laced glow. As we drew near, I realized it was square and door shaped, same as we walked through to get here.

Frey and Faline rushed through, both smiling and joyous. They were now lost to us behind a wall of shadows yet again.. I went ahead and stepped through and everything flashed white.

I felt stronger. More aware. I wasn't as afraid as I always was. I forced my eyes open and the intense colors of everything absolutely overwhelmed me. Blues, pinks, oranges, purples and more. All such rich hues that they jumped out in contrast to the silver trees that stood tall and sure.

These silver trees were starkly beautiful. Each topped with leaves of vibrant golds, bronzes and silvers. It was an absolute floral explosion as flowers I didn't even know existed waved delicately in the wafting warm breeze. It was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined!

I spun slowly, trying to drink it all in. I could live a lifetime here and never cease to be amazed at the splendor that is Fae.

I looked up and observed the sky, it was lilac and three crescent moons centered it, foreshadowed by millions of stars that just raced on forever.

I realized I was on yet another landing and looked behind me to see we had entered through another sacred weeping willow.

I finally noticed the two elves standing a few feet away. They didn't really look all too different, but more vivid. They took on a much more powerful, almost ethereal look.

Faline smiled as she reached her arm out, silently asking me to join them. I strode toward them feeling much more confident, downright cocky even.

I descended the small rock stairs and gasped at the feel of the lush blue grass. Even through my shoes I could feel it's plushness. Faline smiled at me as I reached them.

"So, first impression?" She cooed.

"It's glorious!" I quickly responded.

A loud thud drew our attention back to the landing. Eidon had collapsed on all fours and was now fighting his wolf for control. I watched as his back arched, his spine winding like a serpent under his skin. He cried out in pain. His face morphed, flashing between a grotesque, primal looking mouth with an even nastier set of teeth to his human form.

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