(Lillian's POV)
Hey lilly
Yeah whats up
I have something really important to tell you
Omg what is it?
Well how about I tell you at the coffee shop
Kay meet you there
This all feels sorta familiar, meh whatever, when I walk out I see Brandon and Nicole, they stare at me
"Uhhh what?"
"Something just came in the mail." Brandon said holding up a yellow packet with the words 'Stanford University'
"I-it's here!" ok, so Stanford, It's my dream school, and now I'm about to find out if I got in
"Here, open it." Nicole says with a smile
I take the package and open it, I quickly scan through it until I find the words you've been accepted into Stanford University' I look back at Brandon and Nicole "I got in!"
"Oh my god you got in!"
"Omg! I need to tell Ace, oh he told me he needed to tell me something, I'll be right back."I walk past him and go to the coffee shop, I get a coffee, I see Ace already got here so I go sit where he is
'Hey Ace, so what did you need to tell me."
"Well..." he pauses
"What?" I say as he builds suspense
"You know how I was telling you that USC is my dream school." he says as he drinks some of his coffee
"Well, I just got a letter, I'm getting a full ride to the University of southern california baby!"
"WAIT you mean like for football! Oh my god Ace that's amazing!" USC is like the best football college in america they send more students into the NFL than any other school
And not gonna brag, but Ace got offers for football all across the country, yeah I know, my boyfriend is kinda great
"Oh I need to tell you something too!"
"What is it?" Ace asks me
"Well, I literally just got a letter as soon as I walked out, I got accepted into stanford!"
"Wow Lilly I'm so happy, I can't believe we both got into our dream schools." Ace said with the biggest smile on his face
I feel like Ace really is the most supportive boyfriend ever
"So do you think your gonna comit?"
"Yeah, I really think this is the best way for me to go to the nfl, I'm just so happy." ace says with a smile
"I'm so happy for you Ace, you're the best football player I know, you got the most yards in all of Oregon for quarterback, your amazing Ace, and you deserve it more than anyone, you're gonna make it big, I know that." I hug him
"Your the best girlfriend in the world." he kisses the top of my head
"Well, that's only cause you're the best boyfriend in the world." I reply
I cannot believe there was a time when I didn't want to date Ace, he's so sweet!
"Hey what do you say, wanna go on a walk?" he gets up
"You sure, it's already getting kinda dark."
"Well, we both just had coffee, and plus, I have an idea." Ace laughs a little
"Oh no, I can never fully trust you and your 'ideas'" I laugh getting up and taking his hand
"You can trust this one."
"Well, now I'm even more worried!" I say as I follow him out the shop
We walk through the park and Ace see's a playground "Lilly come here!." he runs towards the swings
"Ace Are you serious?" I say walking a little bit faster to get to the swings too
"Yeah, come on, I'll push you!" he says laughing
"I know how to swing!" I say sitting in the swing
"Fine then, I bet I could beat you!" he seats down in the other swing, at this point we're both dying laughing
"Ok but if I win I get to give you a kiss." I say still laughing
"Ok but WHEN I win I get to give YOU a kiss."
"That's literally the same thing but sure." i say as I start to swing
We swing and Ace ends up beating me...
I blame it on the football!
"Now, I believe I won a sertaint prize." Ace says walking towards me
"And what was that?" I say with a tiny smirk
"Hmm.. I believe it was a kiss."
"You'll have to catch me first." I say starting to laugh again and running around the playground
He quickly catches me and picks me up "yay I win again!" Ace says like a 4 year old
"Ok fine 1." I say looking back up at him
"OooKAY." he gives me a little kiss "yay!" he says again like a 4 year old
How in the world did we both just get into college and we still act like this?

Forever And Ever
Teen FictionLillian, junior at Lafayette high, the nerdiest girl around, shes the school freak, loner, and has just a few family issues, her mom was an alcoholic and died from drunk driving, while she never even met her dad. she had been raised by Brandon her...