Yeeted and Business Started

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        Okay aight, y'all might be wondering how TF I got myself into this situation; by that I mean trying not to get annihilated by Kakashi because as you all could tell, I am in the land of the Waves, and currently fighting him.

         Great start huh? Lemme fill y'all in, so before all of this disaster started, I was living in the normal realm. And then I got isekaid with the standard Isekai protagonist tracksuit as my first inventory along with a flail Rem used in Re zero.

        Bros, it was not a great start.

      I was broke af.

         Thankfully due to an accident on the run in between Haku and Zabuza, I was no longer alone and broke anymore.

        Mind y'all, I love my homies if they just don't try to actually kill me during training, swinging a 30 kilogram sword 1500 times a day wasn't enough of a punishment apparently.

        So ye, I grew up with them for three years, and now I am 14 years old, a year younger than Haku.
       The only issue they have with me is the ridiculous amount of money I spend on clothes and medical supplies (Do not question me, I just like to be clean because my clothes either get too bloody or ripped beyond repair).

     I forgot to mention my name, It's Haise Nohara, or Nohara Haise or whatever. I am an iryo-nin in training, and thanks to my homies having an extensive knowledge on anatomy and my will and resilience in testing my stitches against fresh corpses and Haku teaching me chakra control, I can do basic shit.

       I still wanna be as epic as Tsunade tho, imagine that.

      Anyways, my dumbass decided to join the bridge battle because I wanted to save my friends-- technically family, and that's how I got here.

       (Third person PoV)

       "Heyo homie Zabuza, I need a little help here!" Haise panicked as she continuously tried to dodge multiple of Kakashi's attacks.
      "Do it yourself kid, I'm stuck." Zabuza deadpanned, definitely referring to himself being stuck in a lock of hunting dogs biting on areas where it shouldn't be biting.
        "Well fuck me." The iryo-nin groaned, unsurpringly she was able to keep up with Kakashi's attacks; he might be trolling me and holding back tho---.

          Haise in other words was not definitely suited for battle in long periods of time, unless Kubikiribōchō is within her reach, which was sadly not. It made her cry on the inside, fate really did love to drop jokes on her.

      So much for having regenerative abilities. She groaned to herself, and her panic elevated even further when she noticed Naruto's talk no Jitsu was finished, she had to time this perfectly.

     Amidst her distraction, Kakashi noticed she wasn't a combat type and immediately thought to go for Zabuza instead.
       Oh shit there it comes--
     Haise thought as she saw the familiar hand signs of chidori.

         Kakashi immediately sped ran to Zabuza, and just as Haku was about to get hit, it was Haise who had blocked the way instead.
        God, who knew it was so damn painful getting your heart crushed, I ain't definitely laughing at Ban next time I see the show.
         "My god--!" Haise wheezed before coughing up blood. "Bro wtf did I tell you about jumping in front of people---" She grunted as she fell to Haku's chest after Kakashi withdrew his hand.
      She was carried by Haku who jumped out of the way from Zabuza's blade trying to hack into Kakashi.
     "Haha! I knew I'd get something out of you two!" Zabuza laughed as he fought Kakashi.


         Haku held her as she coughed even further, wow, she did not know it was this horrifically painful.
       "I am so sorry---" Haku held the sides of her face with a slightly blood stained hand.
        "Nah it's okay, I'll live." She fell limp into his arms as she tried her best to not mind the pain; not minding it would be not to feel it.
        Her eyes closed and she couldn't tell what happened to the rest.


         "---e need to bury her, and make it proper." She could hear Zabuza say in her underwater level of hearing.

      "I'm sorry Haku." Haise heard Naruto pat the boy on the back.
      "At least she's in peace now." She could hear Sakura from the other side of herself.

        "Are the offering and the stone ready?" Kakashi inquired to someone she didn't know quite yet.

        "She'll be happy if we put a lot of blue flowers on the grave--"

     "Okay, who TF are y'all trying to bury alive huh?!" Haise's eyes immediately snapped open as she said this.
         Everyone in the room screamed.

      "Ugh... My mouth tastes like those wretched period vitamins... Yuck." She resisted the urge to throw up as Haku immediately handed her a bucket.

      "Wh-what?! How are you even alive?!" Sasuke exclaimed in disbelief, but the poor duckass had been ignored as Haise immediately glanced at Haku.
     "Told ya I'd live." She grinned.

      "How?" He whispered so softly.
  "Kakashi's hand went through, you couldn't have possibly survived that."

      "But I did." Placing the bucket down, she immediately ripped the zapped clothing slightly so they could see that the damage was gone.
          "That's why I told you to not become Zabuza's tank you idiot." She crankily chided him and he only avoided her gaze in embarrassment.

      "Woah, you're able to replace your heart? Just like that?" Sakura asked breathlessly, she couldn't believe it either.

      "Yeah, I haven't tried it before though." Haise shrugged.

      "You mean you would have actually died?!" Zabuza smacked her upside down the head. "Ow! What the hell old man?!" She held her head in pain from the impact.
       "That's for trying to kill yourself out there, you fuckin dumbass!" Zabuza retorted.
     "Awww, you do actually care!" Haise mischievously grinned as Haku giggled.
        Kakashi stuffed his laughter along with the others.

     "Say that again and I will cut your head off with Kubikiribōchō." That comment immediately shut her up.
     "Well, since that issue is covered up, do you want to join our village?" Kakashi offered a close eyed smile at the group.
      Zabuza sneered. "What the hell do we get from this exactly?"

     "I don't know, a clean house, money and some other basic shit I guess." Haise didn't expect for her mumbling to be heard by the swordsman.

       "....." He stared hard at her for a few moments before his gaze drifted over to Haku.

        "It is rather... Comfortable to have a sustainable income too.." Haku meekly answered at the silent question.

           "Fine, you brats win." He groaned in defeat. "Haise, you better start a goddamned bakery or I'm chopping off your arms since they're useless."

         "Okay okay geez!" Haise winced half-heartedly.

      Team seven sweatdropped at the interaction.


    It took a week for them to finally leave the Land of the Waves, Haise found not to disturb the moment between Naruto and Inari, since they were crying so much like very close friends.
      They were celebrated too, Haku, Zabuza and herself in participating in Gato's eradication. She made a mental note to scold whoever the hell it was that gave her credit for something she didn't partake in.
      Healing the sick however was a different question, and that credit that had been given to her was something she could willingly accept.

        They leave the land, crossing the bridge that had been lovingly named after Naruto.

      She could feel Sasuke sneering at her from behind, possibly being broody again and suspicious about the ability she possessed. Haku and Zabuza were chatting with Naruto, answering his questions about their life adventures as rogue nins.

          Haise couldn't help but feel sorry for Sakura, as she was rejected by Sasuke.
         Brownie points for trying though, Haise wished she didn't fangirl over the Uchiha, she would have been a great person without the hindrance of obsession.
            But, it was probably needed for character development.

    The skies were awfully nice today.
||Ey y'all it's me the author, hope you're enjoying this Naruto oc fic.
     Haise's appearance shall be shown in the second chapter.
        Happy reading and positive vibes sent your way!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2020 ⏰

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Why he as tsundere tho

4th lalu

Periodt vitamins disgustang

4th lalu

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