Le Chat Noir

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Otomo: Gone. Vanished without a trance.

Otomo stood beside Murdock in the Kingpin's penthouse as he gave his report.

Otomo: Our security systems captured nothing, Master Murdock. There was no evidence of the thief's identity. Not the faintest shadow. Only this.

The man handed Murdock an envelope. Murdock held it up before he started to open it up.

Otomo: What does it mean, Master? Who would dare mock the Kingpin so?

Murdock: Heh. Only one person, Otomo.

Matt looked at the ticket inside the envelope which was an invitation. A taunt. A dare. A ticket to attend a concert.

Murdock: Le Chat Noir.

Otomo: The Black Cat? I was under the impression that she was....

Murdock: Under our employment. She is. The other one, however is another problem entirely.

Murdock flipped the ticket in his hand as he faced the window that showed the city. Though he could not see it, he could hear it. Feel it.

This city was the same one that took his father and mother away. The same one that raised him. The same one that he was going to burn to the ground.

Murdock: Felicia wants us to play this game. Tell me, Otomo, have you ever been to a concert?

The Astonishing

Oscorp Laboratories was a place where the future became the present. At least, for most.

Toomes: I blame you for this. You told me to bring my magnetic transport system to Oscorp.

Toomes stepped towards the doctor with fury.

Octo: I-I know...

Toomes: You arranged the meeting with Norman Osborn!

Octo: I-I had the best intentions.

Toomes: He studied my ideas and rejected them! A few months later and Ocorp reveals their new flight systems! I was beaten, brusied, nearly killed!

He pushed Octo who stumbled backwards.

Octo: I-I'm sorry I....

???: There's no need to apologize, Doctor. Oscorp has done nothing wrong.

The two men looked up the stairs of the lab to find Norman Osborn himself standing there. Beside him were two guards at the ready.

Toomes: Osborn!

Norman: You're playing a dangerous game here, Vulture. I do believe that the police are still looking for you after your little escape act.

Norman snapped his fingers and the two large men grabbed Toomes.

Norman: Please show our guest out. And Toomes, if I see you here again, you won't be leaving.

The two men carried Toomes away as he thrashed around. Norman looked over at Dr. Otto Octavias who was a nervous wreck.

Norman: Don't worry about him, Doctor. He is simply an old man who has become disillusional with his sickness.

The Astonishing Spider-Man (Male Reader) Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now