
772 34 71

If you have a suggestion for this book to make it a better sort of initiative, say so inline here! 

If you would like to suggest a NEW book for Raid, so say inline here! Please do not tag the username so we can keep it a surprise for the person if they're chosen ;) 

If you would like to suggest an UNDISCOVERED book for Raid, so say inline here! Please do not tag the username so we can keep it a surprise for the person if they're chosen ;) 

Overall Criteria

-- Has updated the book within the last month

-- Has responded to comments recently and usually OR, if they don't have any, seem to engage in things such as message boards or things like that.

-- Books are in English

-- Mistakes are okay, but the writing is mostly clean

-- The writer does not already seem to be attached to a community.  This one can be questioned, but the main reason is those already in a community already have the support and care that our goal is to make sure writers have.

Criteria for Each


-- The user joined in the last six months

-- The user has less than 1,000 reads


-- The user has 100 less followers than the number they follow.  We would say below 200 followers, but we understand some achieve high numbers of followers from follow 4 follows without ever getting real readers.

-- The user has less than 10,000 reads

Dreamland RaidWhere stories live. Discover now