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"Come in!" Frank shouted for what seems like the hundreth time that day. "Hello Mr. Iero. Are you busy?" Gerard asked. "I'm always available for you." Frank winked at Gerard.

"Remember what I said last week?" Gerard asked. "Vividly, let's go get those croissants bitch." Gerard chuckled as Frank put on his leather jacket.

Frank interlocked his arm with Gerard's arm and skipped out the school. He did recieve a couple concerned looks from teachers. But, he couldn't give a fuck.

"We can drive there, it's getting a little cold." Gerard offered, "I walked here today, do you mind if we ride in your car?" Frank asked. "I don't mind at all." Gerard led Frank to his black beetle car. "Hm, never expected you to be a beetle guy." Frank said. Gerard chuckled, "Are there people who look like beetle guys?" Gerard asked. "Of course there is!" Frank stated.

Gerard opened the passenger door for Frank, "What a gentleman." Frank complimented, "Momma raised me right." When Gerard closed Frank's door Frank whispered, "Yeah she did." To himself.

It was a short drive, only around two minutes. "I can pay this time." Frank said, "No, no, no. I got it." Gerard insisted. "I will beat the fuck out of you if you don't let me pay." Frank threatened. "That escalated. But, fine." Gerard said.

"Go find a table for us hot stuff." Frank said, Gerard blushed and went to the same table they sat at last week. "Can I get a black coffee and a croissant?" Frank asked the barista, "Yup, please stand over there and your order will come to you shortly." The barista pointed where Frank should stand. Frank stood where the barista pointed and glanced over at Gerard.

Gerard was looking at his surrondings. Gerard smiled once he saw Frank looking at him. Frank winked at Gerard. "Here is your coffee and croissant sir." Frank muttered a thank you and grabbed the coffee and the baked good.

"Here's your coffee." Frank handed Gerard the scolding hot coffee and sat down in the chair across from Gerard. "Open wide." Frank said. Gerard laughed, "This again?" Gerard asked. "Just do it." Gerard did as he was told and opened his mouth. Frank tore off a piece of his croissant and tossed it into Gerard's mouth. Gerard made a delighted humming noise, "It gets better everytime." Gerard said.

Frank ate a piece of the croissant, "Shit, it's good." Gerard sipped his coffee, "How was your day today?" Gerard asked. "Mediocre. Nothing exciting happened. How about you?" Frank asked. "Same old, same old. I thought being the most hated teacher would be more exctiting." Gerard chuckled. "You're my favorite teacher." Frank stated. "You flatter me." Gerard hid his blush with his cup of coffee.

"Alright, you ready?" Gerard asked. "Yeah." Frank was slightly disappointed that he had to leave the warm coffee shop with Gerard, but good things have to end.

"I'll drive you home." Gerard offered, it was less of a question and more of a statement. "Alright then hot stuff." Frank said. Gerard held open the door for Frank again.

"I live on at 310 Planetary Drive." Gerard nodded and started the engine.

Sadly, the drive was very short. Frank wanted to spend as much time as he can with Gerard. When Gerard pulled into Frank's driveway Gerard got out of the car. Frank was confused but it all made since when Gerard opened Frank's door. "Are you always this much of a gentleman?" Frank asked. "Only for pretty boys like you." Frank chuckled, "Smooth Gerard, real smooth." Gerards commemt did make Frank's heart flutter.

"Thanks for today." Frank said. "Thank you for today." Gerard said, "I would love to go back and forth with you but I'm freezing my balls off. Still thank you." Frank said. Frank found all the courage he had and kissed Gerard's cheek, "See you around hot stuff." Frank walked into his house. Once he closed the door he released a breath of air he didn't realise he was holding.


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