Chapter 29

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Hello everyone, I am still alive... I'm sorry I haven't updated in months, it has been a really rough couple of months. For reasons being my gran is not doing well, my studies have not been going as planned and my family situation is not very good and stable. But I am coming to the end of this book. Just one more chapter.

Detective Jordan

"Miles! Please!" I hear someone calling out to me but I can't tell who it is.

I gasp and my eyes fly open when a jolt passes through my body. Grant is leaning over me holding his hair in a death grip. Elizabeth is on the other side crying into her hands.

"He's back!" A man says, I turn towards the voice and see a paramedic. I'm in an ambulance. So I'm alive...

Not long after I realize I'm still alive do I feel the pain throughout my entire being.

I scream as the pain becomes too much. Grant and Elizabeth hover above me, their lips move but I can't hear what is being said. I squeeze my eyes shut and grit my teeth.

I try to calm my breathing but an overwhelming sense of something spreads in me and I drift back into the darkness.


It's been three weeks since that final day and it's been a few days since I have been strong enough to move on my own. I'm finally being discharged today, I get to go home... to my empty house...

Grant walks into my hospital room that I have begun to call home, while adjusting his tie. "Good morning partner. Come on now, you need to get your ass out of bed. It's Sarah's memorial service today."

I sigh as the memory resurfaces and my heart breaks a bit more. I drop my shoulders and drag myself out the door, a nurse quickly runs up to me while pushing a wheelchair wildly infront of her. "Sir, sir!" She says as she charges towards me.

I wave my hand at her dismissing the gesture. I dodge her efforts to get me into the chair, I walk, or well limp, next to Grant in utter and total silence. We haven't spoken about the case and the effect it had on us. We don't even speak about what happened in the end...

After signing the paperwork and getting to his car, Grant decides to finally bring up what I have been dreading to talk about. "Miles..." he starts, I instantly lean my head against the window of the car and close my eyes. "I know we haven't spoken about what happened... but we... we need to..." my mind whirls with images of the past, my stomach twists and I swallow the lump in my throat.

He sighs and starts the car. "Man... all that shit was messed up... but you know if you don't speak about it, Captain is gonna bench your ass... I mean he's breathing down my neck already." He clears his throat. "What's going on in there?" He pokes his finger against my temple.

I pry my eyes open and spare a glance at my worried partner. I sigh heavily. "I thought it was the end..."

He scrunches his face and looks at me puzzled. "It is over..." he says cautiously.

"No what I meant is I thought I was at the end." My correction is met with silence and I don't blame him, I mean I just said that I was basically dead.

They Are Mine And Mine Only. (Book 2 of Mine And Mine Only)Where stories live. Discover now