Chapter Six: Coming to Terms

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Hawks strode purposefully through the door to the Fukuoka police chief's office and closed it tightly behind him.

"Hawks, good job with the bank robbery," the chrome domed police chief acknowledged him without even looking up from his desk, motioning with one hand for him to come in, though he already had.

He couldn't remember a time when he'd been in the office and the man hadn't been buried in work. He was the chief of police for one of the biggest cities in the country, population wise, but the amount of work he took on by himself was excessive. Not that Hawks supposed he had much room to talk, preferring to handle most of the work at his agency by himself as well. That was probably why he and the chief got along so well. Birds of a feather and all that.

Shoving his hands into his pants pockets, he loomed over the overflowing desk, trying to get a peek at anything that might have to do with the robbery. His deep frown was hidden behind the closed lapels of his coat as his sharp eyes shifted swiftly over the papers on the surface of each stack. "Have you spoken to any of the villains yet?"

"They're keepin' their traps shut for now." The chief sat back in his chair and threw his pen down on the report he'd been pouring over, running his large hands over his bald head. "Waitin' for their lawyers, no doubt."

Hawks glanced over at the flash drive sitting on top of a pile of boxes that looked like they'd come from the bank. "You get anything from the surveillance footage?"

The chief followed his gaze and blew out a heavy sigh. "Hasn't even made it to the techs for analysis yet. Things don't work as fast 'round here's they do at your office, ya know?"

Hawks shrugged, lifting his chin to grin crookedly at the chief from behind his coat. "Yeah, guess not. You mind if I take a copy of whatever you've got?"

The chief sat forward with a heavy sigh, reaching into one of his drawers and pulling out a manila envelope. He snatched the flash dive from on top of the boxes and dropped it inside before sealing it and holding it out to Hawks. "Take a crack at it. Ya come up with anything let us know."

"Sure thing, Chief." He mockingly saluted him with the envelope, turning as the man waved him away in exasperation and heading out the door.


Hawks draped himself over the back of one of the couches in his office the next morning, watching one of his sidekicks fast forward through the bank footage to the time of the robbery. His expression was one of extreme focus, but though he was looking at the computer screen, his attention was on his memory. He was running through every detail that he'd observed from the bank the night before, both directly and indirectly through his feathers. 

His quirk, Fierce Wings, not only allowed him to fly at high speeds, but he could also telepathically control each of his individual feathers, detaching them and reattaching them at will. He could vary their density as well, making them firm or flexible as needed, turning them into sharp blades or light floating platforms. One of his lesser known talents was the ability to sense and interoperate vibrations through his feathers, allowing him to pick up minute sounds from a distance which standard human hearing couldn't detect, effectively expanding his range of perception several times more than normal. 

"Here we go," the sidekick announced, effectively drawing his attention back to the video. He pressed the play button on the screen and they both watched the manager get flashed before he collapsed inside the doorway. The villains entered through the front door a second later, dragging the unconscious manager out of the way before shooting the security guard and the teller with a single bullet from two different silenced firearms.

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