Chapter Ten: Hero Public Safety Commission

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A little over an hour after Hawks received the call, he landed on the roof of a tall office building in the heart of metropolitan Tokyo with Misaki held securely in his arms. At first, she'd been apprehensive when he'd told her that they would be flying from Fukuoka to Tokyo, thinking that he meant under his own power. She'd been shocked to find out that, not only had he chartered a plane, but he was the one who was going to be flying it.

He'd told her not to worry, that he'd probably clocked more flight hours than most commercial pilots. She'd mockingly replied that unless those hours were spent flying an actual airplane, they didn't count. He'd laughed at her and assured her that he knew what he was doing as he'd started up the military style shuttle craft. She'd spent the flight in the copilot seat, staring out the window at the clouds rushing by while Hawks had regaled her with stories of his flight history. She'd never flown in any kind of aircraft before, and the experience had been so incredible, she'd almost forgotten why they were even flying to Tokyo in the first place.


Misaki looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings of the roof they were currently standing on and asked, "What is this place?"

"The headquarters of the Hero Public Safety Commission," Hawks replied nonchalantly as he strode toward the roof access door.

Misaki immediately clammed up, letting out a shocked gasp as a sudden rush of nervousness erupted in her stomach. She looked around apprehensively, half expecting a bunch of men in black to pop out of the shadows at any moment and escort her off the premises.

"Is it really alright for me to be here?" She wondered aloud as she hastily followed after him, reasoning irrationally that staying close to him would keep her safe from the imaginary men in black.

"Sure!" He quipped, swiftly turning around and pulling a laminated badge hanging from a lanyard out from the inner lining pocket of his coat. "I got you a visitor's pass."

Not bothering to ask when he'd managed to do that, she walked over and took it from him, still a bit on edge as she nervously said in a low, and somewhat conspiratorial tone, "That's not really what I mean..."

He just smirked and opened the door, gesturing for her to enter the building ahead of him. Tentatively stepping inside the door, she nervously waited at the top of the stairs for him to walk in behind her and followed after him closely as he jogged down a short flight of stairs to another door. He preceded her that time, turning back to silently motion for her to loop the pass over her neck. She hastily did so, her nerves turning her stomach again as it became more and more apparent to her that they had just snuck into this building!

She wanted to call out to him and ask him what the hell was wrong with him, but she kept her jaw clenched tightly shut. The less attention she drew to herself here the better. Now she knew why he hadn't wanted to tell her what the job was. If she'd known this was where he'd planned on bringing her, she would have turned him down in a heartbeat. Learning the hero business from Hawks was one thing but walking voluntarily into the headquarters of the Hero Public Safety Commission was an entirely different bag of worms.

Biting her lip apprehensively, Misaki followed Hawks down the hall to a large waiting room. A middle-aged woman with slicked back blonde hair looked up as they approached.

She handed a folder to the man sitting at the desk in front of her before greeting the hero, "Hawks."

He brought his hands up behind his head and grinned back at the woman as he replied with a tilt of his head, "Madam President."

'Wait, President?!'

Misaki couldn't help the startled gasp that escaped her at the realization that she'd suddenly come face to face with the top administrative authority for all of the heroes in the country.

Winds of Destiny: Falling ~ {Hawks x OC}Where stories live. Discover now