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Seen a lot of a strange stuff go down in 10 years working here. Probably has something to do with being so close to the canyon. Having a mile-deep hole in your backyard brings out the weirdness in folks.

I remember the time that gambler from L.A. lost a bet in Las Vegas, & his friends drove him up here. Forced him to parachute into the canyon. Guy almost died. You get all kinds in this part of the country. The canyon attracts 'em like flies to dog doo. But rhis recent situation involving the children was one of the stranger cases I ever ran into

We called in everybody who had anything to do with what happened & taped their private testimony for the record. Far as I'm concerned,this case is closed & shut. Let's hope these 4 students learned their lesson. This'll never happen again, that's for darn sure.

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