Chapter 2

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HOPE's POV (yes, mine -Hope)

After the incident we were gathered in the Queen's mansion. Some Detective Lance questioned us. Of course me and Oliver had to lie.

"Isn't it funny? You two came back from the dead—." The detective said

"I wasn't announced dead, excuse you." I glared at him.

"Suddenly someone's gunning you" He finished, "aren't you famous?" He said sarcastically

"Yeah well Im already famous— according to Forbes and Vogue." I said sarcastically and he seemed annoyed.

"Yeah you Waynes really famous for throwing your money out like any other Millionaires." Lance shot back and being sarcastic.

I laughed, "Well first off it's BILLIONAIRE— wait I'm already going Trillion. Anyways, so what? I could get you fired anytime." I crossed my arms. "Who do you think owns every precinct in the United States of America? Who donated tons of money just to do their JOB well?"

Then his partner sighed, "That is true. We owe everything to the Waynes." I heard him murmuring.

Lance sighed, "Anyways, were you able to identify the men?" Moira asked

"Scrubbed identities. Untraceable weapons. These guys are pros." His partner sighed

"Yeah well they probably figured you will pay a kings ransom to get your son back. Or a Queens ransom." He said. "After all, a parent would do anything to keep their child safe."

I knew it, I bloody fucking knew it. He was talking about his daughter and blaming Oliver.

"I don't find your BLOODY tone very BLOODY appropriate, detective." I glared at him.

Then Walter stepped in, "If Oliver or Hope find anything else. We'll contact you." He said.

"Or I'll just get the best detective instead of this one." I murmured and I looked pissed.

He then stood up and picked up his suitcase. Then left.

Me and Oliver went to the Kitchen. Him and Raisa were having a conversation, then he joined me in. I told her that I thought Oliver how to speak in Russian since I've learned a lot of languages.

As Raisa left just the two of us, we were having a snack. "Hopie.. you didn't had to do that." He sighed looking at me.

"Ollie.. I had to defend you." I smiled at him and held his hand. "And you know why." I touched his ring and he touched mine.

"Thanks." He smiled

After that, we were being called to the living room. And there was a familiar dark guy, "Oliver, Hope. I want to introduce you to someone." Moira said and gestured the man. We looked at him, "You seem familiar." I looked at him curiously.

"This is John Diggle. He will be accompanying you two for now." Moira added.

"Oh! Your the ex military who came to help Gotham!" I gasped. And he nodded, "Yes, that was indeed me."

"We don't need a babysitter." Oliver crossed his arms

Then Walter tried to calm Moira, "Darling they're both adults. If they feel like they don't need armed protection—."

Moira cut him off, "I know and I understand. But this is something I need." She sighed.

Then I realised, "Wait— both? I don't need a bodyguard. I'm fine on my own. Even Bruce knows." I said.

"Actually..." Walter said he was gonna continue but someone walked in.

"Sorry I was late. I had a quick business meeting." I looked at the door and it was Bruce walking in. "BLOODY HELL— BRUCE?!" I yelled. "Yes and also I agreed with Mrs Queen. It'd be much safer if someone is guarding you." He said and Alfred was behind him.

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