Chapter 6

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(AUTHOR'S NOTE: I just published the new Arrow x OC fanfic. With an Arrowverse x MCU AU TWSIT~ hope you guys like it >^<)


Me and Oliver were training with the metal staffs. Like always he was shirtless, and I was on my sports bra. "Your posture!" I yelled and used my staff to correct. "Ow!" He wined.

"Stop whining. You're the one who asked me to teach you, idiot." I scoffed and kept attacking him. Why? He needs to learn how to deflect them

"Well news flash your married to this idiot!" He laughed and he was getting the hang of it. "I don't regret a single thing!" I laughed then tripped his leg and he fell backward. I chuckled and walked up to him and helped him up.

Diggle was watching us, "I feel like I'm third-wheeling here." He chuckled. "It's fine." I laughed and went to the table to drink some water. "Where did you learn how to do that?" He asked

"Alfred and Damian. Then some dude named Yao Fei." I said and threw Oliver's metal staff to Diggle and he caught it. "Your turn." I chuckled.

I started training him. It was easy to train him because he was an ex-military, so I used examples that were easy to explain to him. Oliver was researching our next target. Then he found him, "Scott Morgan." He said and we stopped and walked up to where Oliver is.

"He runs water and power in the Glades. Jacks up the prices when people can't pay shut them down even in the dead winter." Oliver continued.

"Which is at least once a month exactly." Diggle said. "Really?" I asked and they both nodded.

I looked at my screen, "Oh lookie. These guys started Keystone 3 years ago. Then started moving west, hitting banks along the way. This morning they started Starling City Trust. Shot off-duty cop. He's in a coma and the doctors are saying it's a toss coin whether he'll make it." I said

"And since he's a cop, the SCPD will be all over it." Oliver added.

"Overwhelmed? Underfunded? Listen, these guys don't hit one at a time. They hit 2 or 3 banks per city, which means their planning they're planning their next job." Diggle sighed

"I think you have a wrong impression about what it is we do." Oliver crossed his arms.

"You take bad guys out with a bow and arrow. And for Hope, a sword and her shadows." Diggle pointed out

"What Oliver means to say that, we don't fight street crime. Well— I don't anymore. These are just symptoms of your city, and we're trying to cure the disease." I explained crossing my arms.

Diggle then looked confused and raised his voice, "Ceos and crooked entrepreneurs. I get it." He sighed. "I'm just saying that maybe you guys can make a difference if you think beyond the scope of those pages. I'm sure Mr. Queen wouldn't mind."

I looked at the two who were arguing about being a vigilante as heroes or being a vigilante just to finish the job, which is to cure this city. As I said, I can't anymore. Midnight is a hero, and Midnight is dead. I wrong move, and I'll go back to that old path and probably kill myself on the way.

Then suddenly Batman came, yes in his suit. With Robin, Nightwing, and Red Robin. "Hope. We need your help." Bruce said taking his mask off. Diggle gasped, looked like he was fangirling, "BRUCE WAYNE?!— is BATMAN?!" He gasped and I sighed, "Yeah." I walked past by Diggle and to Bruce.

I crossed my arms, "Sorry Midnight is not available at the moment. Come back when she's available." I said sarcastically and then laughed, "Oh wait! She's DEAD!" I said with a serious look.

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