Rules for Joining

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Rules for becoming a member:

1. There is absolutely NO bullying or discrimination of any sort allowed here. The Earth Lovers Community is a safe space. If bullying is reported then you will no longer be a member until you redeem yourself. If you are being bullied, please contact us immediately and we will help you.

2. PM us your username, pronouns, and why you want to join.

3. Post an announcement on your messageboard or tag a few people you know would love to join. The more members in this community the better!

4. Please follow this account.

5. OPTIONAL: We only ask you to do this if you are interested in meeting new people in this community. Follow or PM a few of our members to make new friends!

6. PASSWORD: We do ask for a password, just to make sure you know the rules and follow them! The password is....*drumroll please* your favorite species of animal!

Rules for becoming a writer:

1. We'll have a slight interview on PMs, but that's just to make sure you're not some creepo, and genuinely want to write.

2. It can be a one time thing or a monthly thing...whatever works for you. We'll add your name to the Writers section of Our Team regardless of how many pieces you write, because you deserve recognition!

3. What you write is up to you-it can be a story, an article, a speech, a poem-it's all good, as long as it has an environmental theme.

4. Please follow all of the member rules as well.

5. PASSWORD: Your favorite place!

Rules for submitting drawings:

(We already have an amazing graphic designer, but if you have a cool nature drawing that you'd like to have us feature, this is your place!)

1. A slight interview on PMs, just so we make sure that you're an honest to goodness person!

2. What it has to be is pretty lose ended, but it does have to have an environmental theme.

3. Please follow all of the member rules as well.

4. PASSWORD: Your favorite type of weather.

And that's it!

If you are planning on joining this community, we all welcome you with open arms! *yells "WELCOME TO THE EARTH LOVERS COMMUNITY!" at the screen while biodegradable confetti and balloons pour out of the sky*

P.S. We will not be following anyone back unless they are part of this community. Please don't join only for the follow. It's an insult to everything we stand for! (That's why we ask for you to give us an HONEST reason for why you want to join).

Anyhoo, hope to see your name on the list soon!

Earth Lovers CommunityWhere stories live. Discover now