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"oh nana im homee!" jeno shouted and heard rushing footsteps going down his stairs.

"thank god! this child is a crier!" jaemin exclaimed as he gave jeno a big hug as if he was a savior.

"she's an angel what are you talking about." jeno said with a confused look. yeah the baby cried but that was cause she wanted jeno and kyungmi with her.

"she wouldn't stop crying and i tried literally everything. she tired herself out and is now sleeping." jaemin said as he walked upstairs with jeno and showed him the sleeping baby.

"you have some explaining to do jeno." jaemin said, reminding jeno that he still didn't tell him why there was a baby and random girl in his house that morning.

jeno told him everything. from the letters to the encounter at her house and finding a baby, then to the possible soulmate thing and jaemin perked his head up even more.

"no way! how come the universe chose you to find a soulmate?! i want one!" jaemin whined and grabbed jeno's wrist, looking at the tattoo.

"chill. im not even sure if she is my soulmate and she doesn't believe in it so there's no point." jeno said, heart hurting a bit.

jaemin shook his head. "she can't live without you bud. this baby is making sure you two stay together. there's no doubting it yours. she has your eyes."

just then a knock was heard on the door and jeno went to go open it, revealing a tired kyungmi with a stuffed backpack.

"i um, brought some clothes in case the baby made me stay over again." she said and rubbed her nape. jeno just nodded and led her up the stairs to jaemin and sunhi.

"oh it's you! the mom!" jaemin exclaimed and pointed at kyungmi.

"i'm not her mom." kyungmi said and placed her stuff down.

"there's no doubt it's the both of y'all's baby. i mean she has jeno's eyes and your nose and lips." jaemin said and kyungmi rolled her eyes.

"she's not our baby! it's just all a coincidence." kyungmi said with a bit of doubt in her voice.

"dont fight it lady. you won't be able to live without jeno." jaemin said and picked up the baby who was now waking up.

"my name is kyungmi. and how could she be ours? we never had any kind of.. um, intimacy and ive never been pregnant in my life." she said and sat down on jeno's bed.

"you may have not given birth to her but she is in fact your child. you were chosen by the universe to be together and they are using a baby to bring you closer together." jaemin explained and kyungmi kept her head low.

"listen, i don't know. i don't know if i'm ready to have a soulmate. i'm sorry. i'll be downstairs napping on the couch. call me up here when the baby needs me." kyungmi sniffled and wiped the small tears on her face, standing up and making her way downstairs.

jeno and jaemin looked at each other with a sad look. she was clearly scared and they both knew it.

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"oh kyungmi. please do feel better. please do believe in you three." the man said sadly while looking at the state kyungmi was in.

"please stop denying and pushing it away."

✓ not my baby! - lee jeno Where stories live. Discover now