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Hey there. This is my first Wattpad story so please don't be too harsh, although I encourage constructive criticism. If there are any grammar mistakes, you are welcome to let me know.

This story is protected through copyright so please just don't try to steal my work.  Enjoy ;)


"Mine" He whispered, though with the silence I am pretty sure the entirety of this floor heard him say it.

My confusion grew as he stalked towards me, fury raging behind his deadly eyes. I knew the look in these eyes. He looked about ready to kill. And I did not intend to be his first victim. That's why I did the most reasonable thing when he was in front of me and reached for my wrist, I slapped him, quite hard may I add. And then I ran for it.

The alphas stripperOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant