T.V. Station Takeover

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Lots of ideas were gathered from various, experienced people and they came up with a list of anchors:  Maria Elvira Salazar,  Larry Elder, Trey Gowdy, Chaffetz, Tucker, Hannity, Ingraham, Huckabee, and many missing and/or hiding Mexican journalists have been found and recruited.  Also, Mark Levin will be joined by Jordan Peterson, Thomas Sowell and Steve Hilton with special Sunday programs along with plenty of church services and sermons.

Left Socialist, Communist, Global ideas were never mentioned.  In fact, a new phenomenon developed.  If a notable old Dem, Lib or Commie were seen at a public place like a restaurant people texted each other and almost immediately dozens gathered to chant "Move Out, Move Out, Move Out, We don't want you" over and over again.  Slowly, they began to move to other countries.  Oddly, Mark Zuckerberg moved first because Google was seized and revamped with free thought.  Books were no longer burned and people who made right wing hate lists were prosecuted.

Another side effect developed.  People demanded more police and the clean-up of old, worn-out Dem cities.  Good jobs were plentiful, so gangs became unpopular along with bad parenting.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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