Chapter 7

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3rd Person's POV

Days have passed since that incident and everything went back to normal, Lillie's rash attitude towards her teacher has worn off. She knew their teacher had the potential, and so they'll gonna learn from him.

Since that day, Ash managed to comfortable teach his students things to learn, starting from the very basic, Pokemon types and type advantages, Pokemon moves, and many more. Through this, he can dig deeper and tackle about the secrets Pokemon possess and how to unlock it's potential.

As he went on with his teachings, he also managed to tackle about ideas about what will they do once they start travelling.

"Goals while travelling?" Someone from his class asked.

"Yes, I'm talking about what your goal is while travelling." Ash said.

The whole class went quiet for a while.

"I...I do want to be a performer..." Some girl named Arianna said.

"I want to challenge the gyms and take on the league!" A boy named Harley followed.

"That is good, realizing your goals while travelling is very important, because the more you want to achieve that goal, the more your journey gets exciting, together with your Pokemon." Ash said with a nod.

"Hey, teacher, I have something to ask." Gary, one of the contenders he recognized, suddenly called out.

"Go on."

"Have you travelled before?" He asked.

Ash pondered for a little while, before giving off a chuckle.

"I did, and it was rather interesting." He replied calmly.

His students are eager to listen, so he did some storytelling.

"You all knew we are of the same age, or probably I'm a year older, but unlike you, I've been through best and worst." He stated.

The others just looked at him.

"At a young age of 10, I already started my journey, I travelled lots of regions, battling their gyms and meeting strong trainers I encounter." He stated.

"At that time, I also did some of the legendary encounters, it was pretty hectic." He said while giving of a light chuckle.

"L-Legendary?!" They all shouted in shock.

"M-My, my, I guess you still don't know much about legendaries other than their names, doesn't it?" He asked and his students only gave him some glares.

"S-Scary..." He thought.

"We'll tackle it next time, usiny my knowledge about legendaries." He reassured them, it made them relax a bit.

"Uhm, wh-what was your first legendary encounter?" Dawn asked.

"It's ctually a Pokemon named Shaymin, a legendary pokemon from Unova." He said.

"Sh-Shaymin?!" Iris, a girl also from Unova, exclaimed in shock.

"I once read a book about Shaymin, she reacts to a flower named Gracidea, a rare flower I found on some outskirts in Unova, though I don't know how exactly she will react, but it really does." Lillie explained.

"You really did a lot of research about stuff Lillie. But yes, that is true, it does react to a flower named Gracidea."


"A flower named Gracidea?" Eleven year old Ash asked for confirmation.

"Yes, I want you to research about this flower and how it reacts to a specific Pokemon." It was Professor Oak who responded.

"Th-That seems hard." He nervously laughed at the old professor.

"It'll be an easy task for you, don't worry." He gave him a reassuring smile.

Ash that time still didn't knew some of the mythical and legendary pokemons ever existed, his knowledge about them is still limited, that is why Professor Oak has been helping him by doing some research that might involve encountering these classes of Pokemon.

After granting such request, Ash then quickly aboarded for a trip towards Unova, of course, he's been on this place before, with the given map on hand, he may be able to find this Gracidea flower.

Arriving at the region, he quickly did his job and searched for this flower, until he arrived on a small particular field just few miles away from Nimbasa City, it was a peaceful place, some other wild Pokemon are playing around.

He stroll further and further, enjoying the view, until he arrived on somewhat a garden full of flowers, and he quickly caught attention that of a big familiar flower, he looked back on the photo and indeed it was a Gracidea flower.

He was about to pluck it when a small cute cry can be heard just few meters behind him, he looked back and saw a somewhat small green hedgehog pokemon.

"What are you?" Ash asked towards no one in particular and activated his National Pokedex, he pointed it out at the small pokemon and his eyes widened at the entry.

"Shaymin, the Gratitude Pokemon, considered a mythical Pokemon, each season, Shaymin gathers with others in a flower field somewhere and migrates from there. It is said that this Pokemon reacts whenever it touched a flower named Gracidea."

"Y-You're the Pokemon of my research?!" He exclaimed in excitement, Shaymin just stood there, amused. It walked towards the flower and something unexpected happened.

It suddenly engulfed itself in a bright light before changing it's form, the light died down and it's appearance is now that of a small reindeer, with some marks of gracidea around it. Shaymin suddenly hovered and flew around.

"Shaymin, Sky Forme, considered a mythical Pokemon, if wet, it shakes it off to dry itself. It gains the ability to fly around for them to migrate, a result of interaction with Gracidea flower."

"So cool." Ash managed to say.

As the time went by, some other Shaymins have arrived to fetch their friend, Ash bid his goodbye to Shaymin and they flew off.

Ash happily went back to Professor Oak to give his research result, and Professor Oak was more than happy that he managed to unlock the mystery of these Pokemon.

Flashback ends...

"And that's that." Ash concluded with a rather satisfied expression.

"Th-Thats..." They all muttered.

"You really managed to meet one..." It was Mallow, a student who loves Grass type pokemon.

"I'm sure you'll meet one too, someday." Ash reassured.

They fell quiet for a while.

It was almost time for break, so Ash dismissed the class, and promised to talk about something like that next time.

With that, he hopes that their insights towards Pokemon will become even more richer.

To be continued...

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