Chapter 11

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How to write in a more poetic way?

3rd Person's POV

Serena and Lillie arrived at Kalos Airport, boarded on plane towards Alola, a peaceful paradise mostly for vacation.

"Are you excited to visit Alola Serena?" Lillie asked her Kalosian friend.

"I am, this will be my first time visiting the region, I can't hardly wait!" With that, they quickly boarded the plane, not planning to be left behind.


It was a long hour before the two girls finally arrived at the place. Once they exited the airport, they are instantly greeted by Lillie's old man butler.

"It's nice to see you again, Miss Lillie." Hobbes bowed at the blonde haired girl.

"It's good to see you too again, Hobbes." Lillie also did the same and happily greeted him.

"It seems that you have a guest." Hobbes said as he noticed that she isn't alone.

"Yes, this is Serena, she'll be staying with us for awhile." Lilliw replied.

"Please take care of me." Serena said and bowed.

"Certainly, now, shall we head to the mansion Miss Lillie?" Hobbes asked.

"Yes please."

With that, they rode the limousine and headed towards Lillie's Mansion, where Lusamine and Gladion awaits.

"Professor Kukui's also waiting for you at the mansion, together with Professor Burnet." Hobbes suddenly said as he drove the limousine.

"They did? For what purpose?" Lillie asked, surprised about Professor Kukui and Burnet's presence.

"They just wanted to welcome you, knowing that your semester back at Kalos is surprisingly done." Hobbes replied genuinely.

Although it is what they didn't expect, the tournament didn't happened which supposedly it should. Both girls just sweatdropped.

"We have arrived." Hobbes notifies as he halted the car just in front of the huge mansion.

"Th-This is your house?" Serena asked, slightly in state of shock.

"Yes, please come in, don't be shy." Lillie said and encouraged her to follow her.

The two girls, accompanied by Hobbes, entered the mansion, Lillie was greeted by a bear hug from her mother, Lusamine.

"Oh, Lillie, we missed you!" Lusamine cried out in a childish voice. Serena sweatdropped at the childish characteristic Lillie's mother had.

"Ehem, M-Mom, we have a guest." Lillie quickly said, embarassed.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, not to be rude, but, who might you be?" Lusamine asked, regaining her composure.

"Greetings, my name is Serena, a friend of Lillie, we have decided to travel here in Alola together." Serena introduces politely.

"My my, we do hope both of you are ready, I hope you had a good teacher back there at Kalos." Lusamine stated.

With the mention of 'teacher', they quickly remembered Ash, and the essence of his teachings towards them, though they still have a lot to learn, especially the one Lillie saw about what Ash call them, Bond Evolution.

"We had a very good teacher, probably the best one in Kalos." Lillie confidently said without a second thought, to which Serena nodded in agreement.

"My my, you speak highly about this teacher." Lusamine wondered, both girls just smiled in response.

Later on, Professor Kukui and Burnet arrived on the scene, and both greeted Lillie and Serena.

The Undercover Pokemon TeacherOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora