7 » are you forgetting about secret santa?

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7 » are you forgetting about secret santa?

The second we stepped into the Chinese shop, my body felt ten times lighter. My headache was practically cured, and the stress of the project and secret Santa and the Christmas curse seemed like a far away memory.

That relaxing feeling lasted all of five seconds, though, as Avery stood next to me and allowed all of her anxiousness to float around the air. I felt like I was going to throw up the longer she fidgeted.

I walked up to the counter and greeted Mrs. Chen, the matriarch of the Chen family and half owner of this store.

"Noel!" she called out cheerily after I waved at her. She leaned over the counter to press her palm to my cheek. The gesture was weird, but I always allowed her to do it. In some way, it was maternal, and sometimes exactly what I needed. "What can I get you? The usual?"

"Yes ma'am," I answered, nodding my head. "How're the kids?"

A smile blossomed across Jun Chen's face at the thought of her children. "Kimora's graduating soon, and Lee was accepted into all his college choices."

"You must be so proud," I told her, leaning onto the counter.

She nodded eagerly, then smiled. "I am. I really am. How about you? How're you doing with your writing?"

I spent many days and nights hidden in this shop, writing papers for school, short stories for contests, and half-assed novels in my free time that would never see the light of day. Jun Chen saw it all, and so did her two kids who were always running around here, helping out whenever they were needed.

"It's going good," I lied. Straight out lied to the woman. I didn't want to risk upsetting her by telling her just bad shit had gotten.

"And what about relationships?"

Yikes. Didn't need to talk about that, especially with Avery there. Which actually reminded me that she had provided the perfect chance to dodge that question.

"Jun, this is my co-worker, Avery," I introduced, motioning toward the tan-skinned girl standing to the side.

Jun's eyes darted in her direction, narrowing into slits briefly before a smile took over her face once more.

I snorted at that, knowing Jun had always had her little fantasy that her daughter Kimora and I would end up together. The girl was nice and all, but she wasn't my type. She was too nice, to be honest. And way too good for me. She was going places, had bigger dreams than taking over the family restaurant or being with a writer who could barely write half the time.

She was smart, driven, and way too good-hearted for someone like me. I would've just slowed her down. It wouldn't have been the first time I'd done that to someone.

Avery smiled at the older woman. "It's very nice to meet you."

Jun observed the girl, then let her smile grow wider. "What can I get for you, bǎobèi?"

Her brow furrowed, then a smile appeared on Avery's face. She clearly didn't understand what Jun said, but she was able to tell it was a term of endearment. "I'll have white rice and sesame chicken, please."

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