8 » calm down, father christmas

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8 » calm down, father christmas

When Avery didn't show up for work the next day, I knew I fucked up.

My fuck up became even more clear when she missed the next day, and the next, and the next.

Any normal person would have taken the time to wonder if something bad had happened. But I never claimed to be normal, and with good reason, because my brain had automatically jumped to the conclusion that I made her feel uncomfortable.

That reason seemed more and more legitimate when Kelly informed me that Avery had sent her a rough draft outlined with different ideas. Apparently, they had been in contact during the three days I received nothing but radio silence from Avery. The fact that I didn't have her email or number or any way to contact her hit me over the head after that.

I asked Kelly for it, knowing I couldn't go any longer without hearing from Avery. It was absolute bullshit that she was missing work just because of one weird encounter, especially since she had spent several days causing her own between us in John's boring office.

She had begun to fuck with my work, taking it upon herself to give ideas to Kelly that she immediately rejected and blamed me for.

"Your lack of Christmas imagination after a whole week of having this assignment is almost unbelievable," Kelly scolded the second I walked up the stairs. I was barely on the clock for two minutes before she attacked. "Key word being almost seeing as expecting anything worthwhile from you about the holiday was idiotic."

"So you're admitting you're an idiot for assigning me with this?" I couldn't help but reply.

Kelly clenched her jaw, looking two seconds away from punching me. "It was silly of me to fight for you to have the chance of not going on leave. Patrick wanted you too, Noel. I argued on your behalf for an hour to give you a chance. I put my neck out on the line for you, and this is what I get in return?"

My mouth clamped shut after that, not liking how her words were making me feel. Again, the normal person would've apologized and thanked her for helping them. But all I did was scowl at her, unable to form the words. Especially when she pushed a single piece of paper in my direction.

When I realized it was an outlined page of ideas for the project, with a note at the end asking for Kelly's approval, I felt more pissed than before. Why the hell had Avery gone to her for permission? Especially without even fucking speaking with me?

Had I really made her feel that uneasy?

Kelly stared at me expectantly, and I had to think quick on my feet. I didn't want to take the blame for whatever crazy shit Avery wrote, but I also couldn't let Kelly think I hadn't contributed anything all this time.

"Nothing on there catches your eye?" I asked, gauging her reaction, hoping she at least liked one thing. At least then I would have a starting point, since I honestly hadn't written a single thing yet for the project.

"There is no Christmas spirit!" Kelly all but yelled, capturing the attention of everyone on this floor of the office. Damn, I knew I should've asked to go into her office the second she rushed toward me with that pissed off face. "I asked for something expressing the meaning of Christmas. I thought Avery could help you with finding it, but you either rejected all her ideas or you both are hopeless when it comes to this season."

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