Chapter Nineteen

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That realization followed him. He woke up the next day, went to his morning classes, and collapsed back into bed. Burke hadn't called. Mia hadn't contacted him. Ryan had made the usual jokes in class, and he'd try to respond with the same energy he always did. And, of course, no word from his parents. He didn't know why he kept hoping.

He remembered the enraged and incredulous look on Burke's face outside of The Solstice, and knew that, in that moment, Burke had also pitied him. Like, look at this dumb kid, so desperate for his parents to acknowledge him that he runs himself into the ground hoping they'll care enough to show. He felt his throat close up. Yeah. Maybe he was all of those things.

At two in the afternoon, the dorm room door opened, and Maddox stepped into the room. He wore a baggy maroon shirt tucked into black pants with a black Gucci belt. He also had on a metal chain bracelet and silver rings, and had painted his middle finger nails black. He hesitated when he saw Anthony. 

"New look," Anthony commented.

Maddox glanced down at himself like he'd forgotten what he looked like. "Yeah." He shut the door and moved further into the room, discarding his backpack on the floor.

Anthony gave him a once over, his eyes snagging on Maddox's head as he turned his back to Anthony. "Did you cut your hair?"

It hadn't been an undercut yesterday.

Maddox pulled his laptop out of his backpack and put it on his bed. "Aw, you noticed."

Anthony leaned back against his pillow, digging out his earphones.

Across the room, Maddox turned his head. In his peripheral, Anthony could see him watching him, lips pursed.

"No run today?" he asked finally.

Anthony shrugged a shoulder.

"You're being quiet," Maddox said.

"You're being chatty," Anthony responded.

Maddox's lips pressed together, and Anthony sat up slowly, facing him. He raised his eyebrows. "What happened?"

Maddox's expression flatlined. "What do you mean?"

"The nails." Anthony gestured. "The hair. The clothes. What happened?"

"Nothing happened," Maddox shot back. "Not everything I do is a cry for help. Get over yourself."

Anthony blinked slowly. "Okay." At his side, his phone vibrated. The sound sent shivers up his arms.

Maddox angrily picked his laptop back up and shoved it back into his back, pack, zipping it up emphatically. "I'm going to the library."

"I don't care," Anthony said.

Maddox stopped, looking at him again.

"You don't have to report your whereabouts to me," Anthony said, his fingers gripping the side of the mattress. "We're not friends."

"I know we're not." Maddox was still just looking at him. "I'm not..."

"You're not what?" Anthony snapped, standing. A muscle in Maddox's jaw jumped. "Implying that we are?"

"I'm doing you a favor. Giving you space." Maddox replied coolly. "So say thank you and sit the fuck down."

Anger flooded Anthony's veins. He could feel his blood rushing, his hands automatically flexing, and saw Maddox's gaze flick downward at the movement. There was nothing in his eyes, but the corner of his mouth quirked up. His smile looked out of place on an otherwise cold face.

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