Chapter Twenty-Two | Saviour

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VIVIENNE RAISED HER skirts above her ankles and spun around, giggling as the rain hit her face. "This is very much liberating," she said to Fiona.

Her friend was also giggling as they both clasped hands and twirled around in the rain. "Yes, it is. Have I told you that I'm glad to have a friend like you?"

Vivienne stopped for a moment to look at Fiona. She seemed a bit blurry but that might have been because of the darkness that shrouded around them. "Are you declaring your love for me, Lady Fiona?"

Lady Fiona laughed, "I suppose I am, Lady Vivienne." She turned to the sky, where the clouds were the only thing visible, "I love you, Vivienne!"

"And I love you, Fiona!" Vivienne shouted even louder.

Their voices echoed in the empty streets and they both giggled again.

Suddenly, a thought hit Vivienne. "Do you think we missed dinner at the manor?"

Fiona looked around them, "I think we might have."

Realization crept into Vivienne. Her gown was soaked, and she began shivering. They were alone in the streets and had failed to return to the manor in time for dinner. "Lady Torrington is going to be furious with us!"

Fiona's smile slipped almost immediately. "I forgot about the promise we made to her. We must get back to the manor immediately!"

They tried running but Vivienne found that it was much harder for her to stay balanced when the world around her continued to spin. She stumbled a bit, and to stay standing she kicked out her left leg only to have her slipper fly off into the night.

"I lost my slipper!" she cried.

"Never mind that, we can't possibly find it in this darkness. What we need to do his hurry back to the manor. Henry will be furious with me."

"I don't think we can navigate in this darkness," Vivienne wailed as she tried keeping up with her friend. "It seems all black to me."

"We must try Vivienne. There is no time to cry right now, save your tears for later."

They rounded around a corner where a few men were huddled underneath a sheet of roof watching the rain.

Fiona raised her hand and waved at them, "Excuse me, do know which way Chalcott manor is?"

The three men simultaneously turned around to glance at them. Vivienne did not like the looks they were giving her. She pressed into Fiona's side and whispered, "They don't seem friendly Fiona, let's leave before they get cross."

Fiona shook off her hand, "Nonsense. I'll tell them who I am."

Fiona walked to the gentlemen leaving Vivienne no choice but to follow. "I am Lady Fiona," she pointed to Vivienne, "and this is Lady Vivienne. We require your assistance in navigating our way back to Chalcott manor."

The man in the middle chuckled darkly, "Did ye 'ear what they said Norris?"

"Ladies my arse, although they are pretty little 'enches, aren't they?"

Vivienne gasped at the language. "Please sir, there is no need to be crude."

The burly man to the left mimicked her tone and grabbed onto Fiona tightly while the one on the right did the same to Vivienne. She cried out it pain as his thick arm circled around her body. He paid no heed to the sound of her pain.

"A little tupping from real men will do them good, what do you say Norris?"

The man on the left looked greedily at Vivienne, and she shivered not liking what she saw in his eyes. "I say it's been a while since I had a wench."

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