Chapter Twenty-Eight | Wellington

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JAMES STEPPED INTO the establishment, unaware of what he was getting himself into. The facility was pristine, making it evident that the crown gave the Home Office a handsome budget. Portraits of some of the greatest commanders in the last few decades lined the wall. A scrawny man sat scribbling on a page, his spectacles slipping from his face ever so often.

James tapped the desk impatiently with his fingers, trying to get his attention.

The man placed down his spectacles with an annoyed sigh, "May I help you?"

"I am quite certain you might. I require some information on the death of an earl and duke."

"We are not in the business of sharing his majesty's secrets Mr—"

"—It is actually the Duke of Lennox," James said coldly. He internally sighed, he tried the nice routine and it clearly never worked. Waving around his title was the only way things seemed to get done. Gilford may not be right about many things, but the Bow Street Runner was accurate in this aspect.

"Well," the man stammered, "I shall see what I can find. But I must warn you, it might take a while. My superiors are quite busy and do not take such request lightly. There are many levels of authority I need to refer to..."

"Lennox!" a voice boomed.

Both James and the man spun around as the Duke of Wellington walked towards them, dressed in his red uniform.

"Wellington," James said in a way of greeting. "I thought it was merely a rumor that you wore your uniform everywhere."

Wellington gave him a smile, surprising James. It seemed that the hero of Waterloo possessed a sense of humor. "I'm only here to clear a few things, I have a visit with Prinny later."

James cocked his eyebrows, "Hence the uniform?"

"Hence the uniform," Wellington echoed. "What brings you here though, I would imagine White's being more your scene."

"It normally is," James said, before his voice turned a note more somber. "However, I've been investigating my father's death. I don't believe it was an accident and new evidence has come to light. I was hoping that the Home Office had some record of the incident."

Wellington nodded his thin face scrunching in thought, "Your father perished in a carriage incident, wasn't it?"

"Yes, alongside the Earl of Westmoreland."

"Two aristocrats, one incident. I can see why it would seem rather suspicious."

"Yes," James said. "Hence my investigation."

"Well, I wish you luck in your findings. But take my advice Lennox, sometimes it's not worth opening a book that's been shut for quite sometime. The dust may inadvertently blow into your eyes." Wellington turned to the man at the desk. "Do get him the information he requires, if they need clearance say that it was under my orders."

The man paled but nodded, he wasn't idiotic enough to argue with the Duke of Wellington.

"I'll be off now."

James shook his hand, "Thank you," he said sincerely.

Wellington nodded, disappearing back into the streets of London.

James turned back to the man and raised an eyebrow, "The information?"

The man scampered away with being told once more.


As James entered the house, his mind was still reeling from all the information he learned today. He passed his hat and coat to Preston.

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