Chapter Forty-Four | Wedding

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VIVIENNE STEPPED OUT of the carriage, thanking the footman who assisted her. Her eyes fell to the church and the small crowd gathered in front of it. It seemed that she was not as late as she had predicted earlier.

Dressed in a lilac-coloured gown, she walked hesitantly to the church doors. Just before she reached them, her skin prickled uncomfortably. Vivienne spun around, expecting the gaze of one of the many lords and ladies outside, but they were all engrossed in their own conversation, barely paying her any heed. She glanced around but could not spot anyone that was out of place. Shaking her head, she ignored the feeling. She was probably just imagining things and transforming it into paranoia.

Vivienne walked pass the crowd, giving those who met her gaze polite nods. As she stepped in the building, her breath was taken away by the church. Strong blue pillars supported the space and intricate gold detailing surrounded it. However, it was the geometric shapes underneath the wide dome that were the most beautiful. They reflected the light through the empty spaces, covering the center stage in a light halo, giving the room an ethereal feeling.

"Good, you are finally here," a voice said.

Vivienne dropped her gaze and dipped her head politely towards Lady Headfort in a curtsey, "My apologies. The journey took me a little longer than I would have liked," she admitted.

There was no need to tell Fiona's mother that she had almost missed the wedding. Her aunt refused to let her go until Vivienne finally told her that she was a bridesmaid and if she did not take her place in the wedding, someone would visit their house and inquire why. It was only then Lady Westmorland relented.

Vivienne deduced that the countess was more so annoyed that Fiona only penned the invitation to her, and not to the rest of the household. She applauded Fiona's unwavering loyalty to her, but the snub of her aunt and uncle had almost ended with terrible consequences.

"Take your place," Lady Headfort pointed towards the front of the altar, before passing her a small bouquet of a scabious flowers. "She should be walking down soon."

Vivienne nodded, strolling to the front. Most of the guests were now seated in the pews and Vivienne noticed they only filled the first couple of rows. Evidently, the couple had kept the ceremony small. Her skin heated once she reached the alter and she spun around to her right, this time meeting James' gaze. His brandy-coloured eyes seem to seer into her, and her breath caught. This was the first time she had seen him since leaving his house.

They stared at each other for a heartbeat too long before Vivienne quickly dropped her gaze. Lord Berkeley made his way to the altar, taking a stand beside his friend. He gave her a polite nod which she returned. He was dressed handsomely in a royal blue coat and white trousers. She saw the nervousness in his posture, and she longed to cross the steps and comfort him, but James whispered something into his ears which did seem to settle him.

The string quartet began, and the first few notes of music drifted through the air, the crowd falling into a silent hush. The bright notes spread warmth into Vivienne's body and a small smile bloomed upon her face as she watched Fiona walk in with Lord Headfort. Her friend was radiant wearing a stunning cream-coloured dress that almost looked silver in the light. She saw the determination and love in her friend's gaze as she only had eyes for her soon-to-be husband.

Lord Berkley looked just as enamoured with Fiona as they stood together at the altar across from each other. Vivienne could not help but glance up beside the groom to see James already staring at her. His brown eyes bore into her, and she did not let her gaze wander even as her heart clenched in pain. The words of the priest echoed through her ears, and she swiftly looked down, a sense of melancholy overtaking her. She would never get the opportunity to experience the love that her friends shared. However, watching Cedric and Fiona cemented her belief that true love existed, even if it wasn't in the stars for her.

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