Chapter two

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Sakari POV:

"Ooh girl who was that fine ass nigga!?" My friend Sophie asked as I walked into the back room

I rolled my eyes chuckling she did this everytime I had a conversation with a man.

"Someone who wants to work here I was giving him an interview that's it that's all he's only 21 I can't fuck with no youngin nie." I spoke laughing and she chuckled before throwing her hands up in surrender

"Girl your only twenty five it's not that big of a age difference only four years let's be real nie. He's just your type tall and has dreads with the neck tats? Oh yeah." She said teasing and I rolled my eyes sitting on a table sipping my water

"He is very good looking I won't lie buttttt he told me he had no job experience meaning he's never had a job before and he's I'm not trying to shame or anything but he's giving young and childish "I'm only getting a job because I have to" vibes." I laughed and she laughed throwing a shirt at me

"Leave that poor boy alone! I'm just saying you ain't had no act in what 1-2 years now? It's about time you go back into the dating world or at least getchu some dick maybe you won't be all moody all the time." She spoke and I shook my head

"My rose does me just fine thank you very much." I laughed and she wiggled her eyebrows

"No but seriously though the way he was looking at you screamed he wanted you or at least felt some kind of attraction towards you he was all nervous and shit." She spoke and I hummed nodding

"He was nervous as hell not goin to lie I kept telling him to calm down and shit but I wouldn't be surprised if he was attracted to me I'm sexy as hell." I laughed and she giggled

"You are sexy buttttt anyways where Sakiye been?" She asked bring up my older brother making me sigh

"Doing what he usually doing out in the streets his ass to old to be running around in the streets still he needa settle the fuck down." I spoke thinking about him

My brother was a gangster a very known one at that and he's been like that since I can remember after my dad went to jail for the same thing my brother just lost it and followed right in his footsteps right in a gang now he leads it? Or something like that I just know he's very important to them.

"Wayyy to old you need to sit his ass down and talk to him." She said and I laughed

"Bitch ok because I haven't tried to do that before and his ass don't listen that shit go through one ear and out the other ain't no saving him you can't help somebody who don't wanna be helped." I said and she made a face agreeing

"I mean don't get me wrong I love him and thank him for everything he's done for me throughout my life like setting me up for success when I was younger and helping me get to where I am now but it's getting old him banging on my door at 3 in the morning cuz he's running from the boys is getting tiring I'm not 17 anymore I got a life now." I spoke just saying things that needed to be said that I couldn't say to him.

"I get it girl but he can't be doing that shit you know all that running in yo house and hidin drugs and guns and shit can get you in some serious trouble." She spoke and I nodded

"I'm already knowing that's why I always tell his ass don't do it but he refuses to listen to me." I said and she laughed

"Sounds about right." She finished and I nodded before we started talking about other things

Kairo POV:

"So how the interview go?" My sister asked me as I was in the kitchen cooking dinner

"It was good. I'm getting the job." I spoke keeping it short

"Really! I'm so proud of you Kani." She spoke patting my shoulder making me smile I loved hearing that because it was rare but it boosted my confidence

"Thanks sis where Lani?" I asked referring to her daughter

"She's still sleeping I don't know what the hell that girl be doing to make her so tired but I've never seen a three year old sleep as much as her." She said and I nodded agreeing that's all that girl did was sleep

"Buttttt anyways when you gon bring a girl or boy around?" She asked and I rolled my eyes dropping the noodles in the boiling water throwing some salt in the pot

"Zulan I already told you I'm not interested in dating right now." I told her for the 100th time I know she's just looking out for me and don't want me to be lonely but damn

"I know Kani I just I see how you be lonely and I be hearing you crying at night sometimes I just feel like you need somebody special in your would fill that void." She spoke and I tensed up at the crying part

I cried a lot at nighttime due to trauma or me feeling bad about myself and also being very lonely.

"Well shit happens and I cry okay? I'm fine I don't need anybody." I told her my voice coming out low

"Okay Kairo I'm sorry for bringing it up...I'm going to be taking Lani to her dads house after dinner then I'm going to Alana house for a few days to help with her baby I'll be back probably in about 5 days.." She informed and I nodded she's been talking about going to her best friends Alana house for a couple weeks now

Alana had feelings for me and has tried to get my sister to "put her on" with me for about 2 years now but I passed every time

She wasn't ugly or anything but she just I don't know she didn't stick out me unlike Sakari

I couldn't get her out my head and every time I thought about her it made me feel a type of way.

She was beautiful as I said before and the first girl I've ever been attracted to? I looked it up on google and found that out.

All I know is that I can't wait to see her again.



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