Chapter Ten🥳🥳

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Omniscient POV:

Sakari sat on the edge of her bed wondering if she should go and have a talk with Kairo or not.

She was thinking about what Sophie had told her and she felt extremely guilty knowing that she was probably the reason for him being upset.

She knew she should've took a better approach to the situation since after all it was her fault for not telling him where the fitting room was.

But she also didn't want to break Kairo down anymore then he was by telling him that she only had sexual feelings for him knowing that it was more than that for him.

"Fuck it." She mumbled standing up sliding her slippers on before exiting her room making her way to the garage

Once she made it to the garage she hesitantly knocked on the door not wanting to barge in and see him doing something again.

"Come in." Kairo spoke and she hesitated but did as told

She made her way in seeing Kairo sitting in his bed no shirt on just some Nike sweat shorts with a blunt in his hand his phone in the other.

"M- Sakari?" He asked looking up from his phone

He put the blunt out and turned his phone off setting it down before sitting up straight

"We need to talk." Sakari said sitting in the chair that was in the corner

Kairo looked away nodding knowingly they definitely needed to talk.

"Umm first...I wanted to apologize if I hurt your feelings earlier that was not my intention. It was my fault that you didn't know where the fitting room was and I'm sorry." Sakari spoke and Kairo nodded

"It's okay Sakari it doesn't matter anymore." Kairo said lying but she shook her head

"Second we need to talk about what we have going on with each other and our first I wanna ask how you feel about me Kairo be 100% up front and honest don't sugar coat nun give it ta me." She said and Kairo gulped his palms becoming sweaty

"Umm—okay well I umm ion really know I'm new to all this shit. Like I told you befo' Ian never really was attracted to females growing up. But when I met you that all changed I think about you all the time Sakari." Kairo spoke looking her in the eyes

"When you around me I feel them lil butterflies people be talm bout and when you talk to me it make me wanna do whatever you say. Ion really know my feelings exactly because I've never had em but I am very attached to you as you could prolly tell.." He trailed off playing with the hem of his shorts

"I blame that on my past and how I was raised specifically my mother I think plays a big part in how I view women and why I look at you the way I do." He said and Sakari nodded already knowing but him telling her all of this was just making it worse for what she was about to tell him.

"But to answer yo question I like you sakari I like like you... I want to be yours and for you ta be mines." He finished off deciding to stop sugar coating it and just telling her how he really felt.

"Wow—I- Kairo this gon be hard for me to tell you and ion know how you gon take it." She said making kairos heart drop to his ass he felt like what she was about to say was going to be horrible.

"So basically— I well I have feelings for you to Kairo just not the same ones..." she mumbled and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but didn't say anything

"I-what we did the other day... I have sexual feelings for you I don't really wanna be in a romantic relationship with you— and and it's not just you! I just don't wanna commit to anyone right now." She said

"I would like for us to keep a sexual relationship instead of a romantic or none just a boss and a employee... and I'm sorry for getting you so attached knowing that I didn't want to go there with you it was 100% not on purpose AT ALL. I don't want to see you sad or depressed but I don't want you to keep wondering what you did wrong because I know that's what your doing." She said

"You did nothing wrong Kairo absolutely nothing it's just me...I'm not looking to be in a committed romantic relationship right now maybe in the future but right now? No." She finished off and to say the least Kairos heart was broken.

"O-Oh well ion really know what ta say to that. I told you Ian Neva did no sexual Shit befo so I'm not understanding how or why you want a "sexual relationship" with me." He spoke and she chuckled

"Kairo you don't have to have just make me feel a certain way. You don't have to have experience for someone to have sexual feelings towards you." She said and he hummed understanding but also not understanding

He would have to look that up when she left.

"Ight so if we did have a sexual relationship what does that mean?" He asked and she cleared her throat sitting up

"That we would.. it's so hard to explain because your so innocent but basically we would do stuff like we did the other day you do know what sex is right?" She asked and he chuckled nodding

He knew what it was he just never did it.

"Right so once you got comfortable enough we would have sex if you wanted to! Not pressuring you into anything! If you do want to have a sexual relationship we can move on your pace." She said and he nodded feeling better hearing that

" yeah and it would be purely sexual no romantic stuff like dates and shit." She said and he nodded understandably

"Ight we can do that but I don't think that I'll be able to lose my real feelings for you and I feel like sex would make it worse but we can try it I guess." He said and she smiled

"Of course like I said we can move on your pace." She said getting up about to walk out but Kairo stopped her

"Can I have a kiss?" He asked and she laughed nodding

She walked over to him bending down and pecking his lips twice gasping as he gripped her face and stuck his tongue in her mouth

He remembered that from last time.

"Shit—That's enough baby." She said pulling back and he frowned nodding

"Goodnight Kairo." She spoke walking to the door

"Night mama." He mumbled watching her walk out a cold feeling in his chest




I will not be updating if you guys won't comment or vote. I hate writing and nobody interacts with the story it doesn't motivate me at all hence to why the update is so late.

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