Chapter Three

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Omniscient Kairo POV:

"Shit." Kairo mumbled as he rushed out of bed realizing it was Saturday and it was 12:47 and he was most likely going to be late to the meeting with Sakari which she specifically said do not be late.

"Shit shit shit can't do nothin right." He mumbled to himself as he made his way into the bathroom

He took his clothes off before looking in the mirror at his body

He looked at his skinny frame frowning as he wasn't built like a 21 year old more like a 16 year old boy.

He then glanced down at his 9 inch member frowning again as he thought even if he was to get a girl they wouldn't accept his size seeing as he thought he was small.

I need to put some fucking weight on. He thought to himself

He hopped in the hot shower quickly cleaning himself making sure to get his backside.

He hopped out the shower rushing to his bed to put his clothes on

He rubbed lotion on his knees ankles and elbows before getting dressed in a simple grey sweat suit.

He threw his forces on and tied his dreads back before grabbing the car keys rushing out of the apartment and to the shop.

"Shit what time is it?" He asked himself  as he began driving

He picked up his phone tapping the screen twice seeing the time read. 12:58 pm and the shop was at least 17 minutes away making him groan

For a reason he did not know he didn't want to disappoint Sakari by being late.

"Needa get my shit togetha." He spoke as he rushed down through traffic running red lights in the process

Once he finally arrived at the shop it was 1:24pm he unbuckled his seat belt checking himself out in the mirror before exiting the car

"Shit shit shit." He mumbled as he saw Sakari getting into her car he jogged over to the car startling Sakari who mugged him

"Well hello Mr.Smith." She said sarcastically making him sigh

"Look- I don't want to hear no excuses I told you one O'clock no later and you show up twenty five minutes late?" She asked as she shut her car door walking over to him making him swallow a lump in his throat growing nervous and feeling guilty

"I'm sorry Sak- Ms.Jones I overslept I don't sleep much at night so when I do I oversleep I got her as fast as I could." He mumbled looking down at her because she was short

He stood at 6'3 Sakari only being 5'7 at the most.

"Again I do not want to hear excuses. Do you have your papers?" She asked and he nodded handing them to her

She looked over them before looking up at him nodding

"You didn't contact me so I assume everything was pretty straightforward yes?" She asked and he nodded

"Yes Ma'am I understand everything." He spoke and she hummed

"Well then Mr. Smith welcome to the Team of BaddestBaddies." She welcomed and he chuckled at the childish name

"What's funny?" She said with a smile and he threw his hands up in surrender

"BaddestBaddies?" He asked and she nodded laughing

"I know how it sounds I came up with it when I was 17 don't come for me." She joked pushing his shoulder lightly

"Well we're closed today and I guess our meeting is I'll see you Monday Mr- Kairo just call me Kairo please." He interrupted and she nodded smiling

Yes Ma'amWhere stories live. Discover now