Not human

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As the door of the ominous vehicle threatened to seal my fate, a primal surge of panic and defiance coursed through me. The metallic taste of fear lingered on my tongue, and my heart pounded with a feral rhythm,

That's when a guttural growl echoed through the desolate streets.

When the car door was closing, I shot my head back to look at the man who pushed me in. The door was halfway closed when something flashed by. A whirlwind of action erupted as an unexpected force intervened.


I wasn't sure if I saw right but a figure, shrouded in shadows, materialized with a sudden fury.

And it didn't just pass by, it took the guy by the door with him. It happened so fast, it could be missed easily.

A scream echoed in the night.


The yelling caught me off guard. I was frozen still in the seat but I could see the other guy looking at someone in horror. It was like he couldn't believe his eyes at first, but right the next second he yelled, "You bastard!!" An angry expression replaced his baffled one and he ran forward, "Who the hell are you!!"


What the hell just happened? Who came? Is someone fighting them? But there was no sign of anyone else here.

I glanced around the car.

There was no one to keep me here so I kicked the door open. "Hey!" The driver yelled, "Don't you dare," He tried to grab me from the front but I dodged him.

I have to get out!

I didn't waste any time and stepped outside. The driver didn't waste any time either and opened his side-door to get out and get to me but as soon as I stepped outside to look what was happening, my mouth hung open and I froze.

There was a man fighting with the kidnappers with his bare hands. And it wasn't a random person. It was someone I knew all too well.


I looked at him in awe as he easily fought the men in black.

Where did he come from?

The first assailant lunged forward, Mattthew sidestepped, allowing the attacker's momentum to carry him past. In a seamless motion he pivoted and delivered a swift, controlled strike to the back of the assailant's head. The movement was fast but there was something odd I didn't catch.

A wild groan of pain escaped his lips.

The driver that was making his way to me stopped and turned to look at his companions who were getting their asses handed to them. He paused and turned to them, taking a step in their direction to help them.

The thud echoed through the dimly lit alley, setting the tone for the ensuing struggle. The second assailant, undeterred by his partner's fate, launched a series of rapid punches but the boss evaded them so easily like it was nothing to him. He dodged them with a blend of evasive footwork and calculated blocks, making it look like he was against a child.

It felt like Matthew was an overpowered boss.

I got a little too focused on him and the reality of my situation only came back to me when the driver dude came over and grabbed my hair from the back, yanking my head back

"AH!" I let out a yell which alerted Matthew, "Let me go!" I resisted, trying to move away. I tried to punch the driver dude but he caught my wrist.


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