What am I to you?

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I didn't notice it before, but the TV was on. The News Channel was airing ads but it was on mute and probably why I didn't pay it any attention. Not until yet when I popped a nerve wrecking question and now had to look around nervously before I looked back at my boss again.

Matthew stared back at me, trying to decipher what I meant with that question?

"Why the sudden question?" He asked, "I've told you before, I like you."

"Yes," I looked down for a moment because I felt a little shy at his words, "You did, but just because you like someone, you don't go ahead and do so much for them." I took a deep internal breath and looked back up to meet his gaze, "You mentioned something before."

He raised his brows at me, "What did I say?" The room was filled with silence. Azef wasn't here but I had no space in my mind to think about why he wasn't there or where he was. All of my focus was on Matthew and the answer I wanted from him.

I spoke further, "Mate," He was taken aback by my words, "You said I was your mate." He probably wasn't expecting me to say those words because I didn't say anything before. I kept quiet, especially at the time he used the word in a sentence.

He had mentioned the word mate a couple of times in different places.

I originally didn't think much of it but that was when I had no idea about this whole supernatural thing.

Now I know that title has a deeper meaning. I mean, he's a wolf. For wolves, the word 'mate' has a different meaning.

I kept my eyes on him while my heart acted weird in my chest.

"Ah..." He wasn't sure what to say and he took his time before answering, "Hmmm," He nodded his head, "That's right." His black eyes stared into mine, "You're my mate."

I felt my skin stand up, "A-and by mate," My heartbeat rose, "You mean?" I brought my hands together and fiddled with my fingers. There was an odd sense of excitement in my chest. I couldn't tell if I was scared or if my feelings were leaning more towards romance.

We looked at each other and I don't know what was going through his mind but I was nervous. He didn't answer immediately which made the anticipation more overwhelming.

I gulped

What will his answer be? And what am I going to do with the answer? What if it's nothing special? Just something his kind refers to for people they like?

Why did I ask that? I was curious, okay, but now the anticipation is killing me.


What if it's something. What if it's special? Then what? What will I do with that information?

"Humans have a little hard time understanding this concept." He said and I watched him,

"Then tell me in a way I can understand," I already asked. I want to know now. I don't want to be left stranded knowing I am his mate but I don't know what a 'mate' means to werewolves.

"You really want to know?" He asked and I nodded my head a little too enthusiastically. My action made him smile, "In simpler terms," He paused, studying my expressions, "A soulmate."


"O-oh?" There was this sense of happiness that spurted in my chest, "S-so I'm your soulmate?" I clasped my hands together. It felt sort of nice.

A soulmate,

The word sounded so magical. Is that why he is ready to do so much for me? That would really make sense.

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