Chapter 14

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"I bet I can think of something fun." He said as our noses brushed. My breathing got hitched as I could feel his minty breath on my lips. He was so close to kissing me.

But then.

"Mr. Parker and Ms. Johnson!" The teacher said. Adam moved back to his seat and I sat up quickly. "Is there something you'd like to share with the class?" The teachers said crossing his arms.

Everyone was looking at our way. "No! Uh, I mean no." I said a bit embarrassed. "That's what I thought." The teachers said and turned back to the board.

"Really! This is our last year a you're trying to get us in detention!" I half-shouted and half-whispered to Adam. "He's not going to put us in detention." He said with confidence.

"How are you so sure of that?" I said.
"Because if he does, he's the one who's gonna have to gives us detention and I don't think he's going to stay after school just for some stupid detention." Adam said leaning back in his chair.

"Ms. Johnson and Mr. Parker you get 1 hour of detention!" The teacher said.



"What?! You can't do that!" I said standing up from my chair. "Oh yes I can and you better watch your tone with me, young lady." He said keeping calm.

"Riley, just sit down." Adam said trying to calm me down. "No, I'm not going to sit down! It's the second week of school you can't give me detention! That's unfair!" And as soon as those words left my mouth I completely regret it.

"You get a 2 hour detention for disrespecting my decision! You wanna go for another hour?" He said pointing a finger at me. I stood there quietly and sat down. "That's what I thought, young lady." He said.

I was beyond pissed. I've never gotten detention and now I have be stuck here for 2 more hours because I wanted to kiss Adam.

Great.    Jus great.

The whole class I didn't talk to Adam, even though he tried getting my attention a couple of times. When class ended the teacher told us that we could get our books but we were to come back to the classroom immediately.

"I can't believe you got us into detention." I said to Adam as I closed my locker. He didn't want to change his books so he accompanied me.

"It was your fault too." He said, holding his hands up in surrender. "If you weren't distracting me we wouldn't be in detention right now." I said as we made our way to detention.

"To be fair, you didn't stop me and you didn't stop yourself either." He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

Stupid mate. Him and his stupid eyes with his stupid smile and his stupid way of making me stupid crazy about him.

His stupid kisses and his stupid face.

We enter the classrooms and we take our seats in the front. We take seats separarte from us because we can't talk with each other. The teacher starts the clock and we just sit there bored. Doing absolutely nothing.

After what seems like an hour I check the clock in the wall and it's only been 15 minutes since we got here. I groaned and slouched in my seat.

The teacher was already asleep in his chair. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and leaned my head on the desk.

Well I might as well try to get some sleep.


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