Chapter 21

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We reach a diner called 'The Benson's Diner', it was painted a light shade of blue with a bit of white. It was located in a mini mall outside of the woods and other restaurants surrounded it. It was quite adorable actually. It had a balcony in the entrance where people were drinking their coffee or just talking.

White lights hanged in the entrance giving it that Christmas look. The smell of pancake made my mouth water and I couldn't wait until we went inside to get that big stack of pancakes. With hash browns on the side of course. Can't forget the hash browns.

Adam led me inside and once we entered the smell of pancakes grew stronger and my stomach growled. A girl was at the entrance behind a small counter. She had brown wavy hair pulled into a pony tail. She was a bit more tall than me but not taller than Adam.

She was wearing black clothes and had a cap that holds her hair. She was organizing the menus when we approached the counter.

"Hey, Rachel." Adam said. Rachel raised her head and gave Adam a warm smile. "Oh, hey Adam. How's the pack going?" She says. "It's going good, you know how it is." He says running a hand through his hair.

"You must be Riley, I'm Rachel." She says extending her hand out to me. "Hi." I say shyly. "You're Adam's mate, right?" I extend my hand out to her and she shakes it. "Yep. How do you know?" I ask while retrieving my hand. "Tyler's my brother. So he tells me the good stuff." She says saying the last part in a whispering tone.

I blush and Rachel gives me a wink. "Ok, well I'm starving." He says putting an arm around my shoulder. "Can we get a table, Rachel?" He says. Rachel laughs and grabs two menus. "Yeah yeah, come on." She says motioning for us to follow her.

We take our seats in a small booth and Rachel puts our menus in front of us. "I'll be right back to take your order." She says with a smile and then she heads off to the counter.

"When Tyler and I were little we used to hang out with her sister so she wouldn't feel left out. We all became best friends and all." Adam says while looking at the menu. "That explains how she knows me." I say an Adam laughs.

"I like her." I say and smile. "Yeah, she's very likable." Adam says. "You guys ready to order?" Rachel says with a small notepad in her hand. "Uh yeah." I say.

"I'll have two pancakes with eggs on the side and some toast." I say. She scribbles it all down on the notepad. "What would you like to drink?" She asks. "Orange juice." I say and give her the menu.

She moves slightly so she's looking at Adam. "I'll take the same with some coffee. Oh and an order of hash browns, please." He says and looks at me with and winks. He gives Rachel the menu and we thank her.

"I'm glad you didn't forget the hash browns." I say, leaning back in the booth. He laughs and I find myself smiling at him. "Can't forget your precious hash browns, princess." He says and winks at me.

Rachel comes back with our food and let me tell you one thing. It. Looks. Delicious. And the hash browns. Oh the hash browns. Such beauty. "Dig in, lovebirds." Rachel says with a grin and leaves. I pour syrup over the pancake and take a bite.




"Oh my god." I say in a muffled voice and take another bite. "Oh my god, this taste like heaven." I say practically stuffing my face with pancakes. "I know, right? They make the best pancakes here." Adam says in a muffled voice.

The eggs were delicious too but the hash browns. Oh my god the hash browns. I took a bite and I almost died of how good it tastes. So crunchy. So perfect. When we were done eating Adam paid for everything even thought I told him it was gonna be half and half.

We said goodbye to Rachel and went out the door. "Hey, how come Rachel doesn't live in the pack house with Tyler and everyone?" I ask Adam. The thought occurred to me when we were eating. I've never seen her in the pack house and it's kind of strange that she wouldn't be living with her brother.

"She wanted to have a normal life. She knew that 'living the wolf life' has its consequences. When we were little she never wanted to live that life because she knew that if one day war started and something bad happened to her brother she wouldn't live with herself. So she did exactly that. Tyler told me she found her mate and that they life in the city." He says opening the car door for me. He goes to his side and hops in.

"What about Tyler? Does she ever visit him or does Tyler visit her?" I ask. "Yeah, the visit each other. Sometimes it's her sometimes it's him. But they do talk over the phone when they can't visit." He says pulling out of the parking lot and I nod.

"Can we stop at Emma's for a minute? I don't want her to get mad that I didn't see her on my birthday." I say and take off my jacket since it's more warm in here. "Yeah su- is that my shirt?" Adam asks. Glancing at me and then looking back at the road.

"Maybe." I say. He takes another look at me and smirks. "Damn, babe. I never knew you looked so hot in my shirts." He says winking at me.

I start blushing and roll my eyes. "Just drive, Parker." I say and he chuckles. 'Miss Missing You' by Fall Out Boy started playing on the radio. "Oh my god, this is my favorite song!" Me and Adam say at the same time.

We look at each other and laugh and Adam turns up the volume and we start singing along.

Yes, I am alive. Yes, I have finally updated after what feels like years. Merry Christmas to all of you, I hope you had a nice Christmas! And in case I don't update on New Years (which I hope I do) Happy New Year!!

See you on the next chapter!

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