Chapter 29

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I've been tied up for so long that when I got up I lost my balance and had to hold on to Jason's shoulder to find back my balance. "Where's Adam?" I ask Jason as we start walking to the door. "I don't really know" he says, my heart drops as I hear him say that. The only thing I want right now is to find Adam and get out of here.

"Good part is that if you do go upstairs they might take him there." My heart picks up its pace as I hear this. Could I finally see my mate? Is he ok? Is he hurt? God, I hope not.

He opens the door and lets me go outside first. The first thing I see is a red painted hallway. A red so dark that it could pass as blood. The hallway is filled with doors and those are painted black. Once Jason closes the door we starts walking down the hallway.

As we pass the doors you can hear people screaming and pounding at the doors. Begging to let them out.

"I know that you don't wanna hear this right now..." Jason starts and I look at him with a confused face. "But it's best if you follow Jackson's orders." He says. "What?" I say stopping in my tracks. He puts his hands on my shoulders and looks into my eyes.

"It's the only way you can save Adam. I don't know what they've done to him but I heard Kevin saying that they didn't need him anymore." I was so caught up on making sure that I get me and Adam out of here that I didn't think that Adam might be paying the consequences. Other than the cut on my cheek they haven't hurt me at all.

"Oh my god." I whisper but mostly to myself. We continue to walk and it feels like forever before we reach what looks like an elevator. Jason punches some numbers and the elevator makes a 'ding' sound as it opens. We go inside and the doors close.

Jason turns to me with a serious face. "You have to act like you hate as much as you hate Jackson and Kevin. They can't even suspect that I'm helping you, ok?" I nod my head and Jason grabs my arm a bit rough. I don't say anything because I know this is part of the act.

I can't mess up now, my only escape of getting me and Adam out of here is Jason. We reach the floor and the doors open. Jason and I walk out and I realize that we're in the pack house. Tons of people walk up and down the hallways and some are coming out of rooms covered in blood.

Is Adam here?

I don't try to mind link him because of the injections. I notice Kevin coming walking up to us with his hand bandaged. I smirk at him and once he notices us he walks up to us.

"I hope you're happy with what you did to my hand, you bitch." Kevin says breathing heavy. I put on my best innocent face and bat my eyelashes at him. "Me? I didn't do that. I'm pretty sure that I saw you're hand bleeding more than bandage can handle." I say and give him a big smile.

"You little bitch you're gonna pay for this." He says motioning to his hand. Jason tugs at my hand and we start walking again. "Oh bite me!" I say to Kevin with a smirk on my face knowing I got the last laugh.

We continue walking and from the corner of my right eye I see Jason chuckling and shaking his head. "What?" I say with an amused look on my face. "I can't believe you said that." He says. I shrug my shoulders with an amused smile on my face. "So ironic,  right?" I chuckle and he does the same while shaking his head.

We go back to been serious and something down in the pit of my stomach doesn't feel right. Suddenly I start to feel nauseous and it gets stronger and stronger ever second. "Jason is there a bathroom around here? I think I'm gonna throw up." I say a bit nervous and try to control by breathing as I feel bile making it's way up my throat.

"Yeah, just down the hall." He says with a worried look on his face. People don't really notice what we're doing or what we're talking about since they're too busy working. Which is an advantage to us.

We take twist and turns and we reach the bathroom. He opens the door and I don't even have time to close the door before I'm kneeling in front of the toilet throwing up. After a minute or two I'm finally done. The aftertaste is horrible and I get up and I drink tap water to try and take away that aftertaste.

I look at myself in the mirror and stay there for a bit just breathing to see if I have to throw up again and turn around to walk out when I notice the door is closed. Jason must have closed it since I didn't have time to do it. I walk out and Jason grabs my arm again and we take another elevator.

"You feeling ok?" Jason asks me and I nod my yes even though I don't know if I'm sick or something. The doors open and we walk in an office. It's painted black and red, no surprise there, and there's a big desk in the middle of the room. There's shelves with rows of books on it and two black chairs facing the desk.

There's no window and no doors in sight but with a pack house like this I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of secret door.

I notice that we're alone and Jason clears his throat. "Alpha." He says in a deep deep voice that I've never heard before. The Alpha turns around in a chair that I didn't notice was in front of the desk.

"Ah, Jason. I see you brought me Riley. Please come sit down." The Alpha motions to the chairs and Jason tugs at my arm to go over there and sit. "I don't wanna sit. I wanna know where's Adam and why do you have us in this place." I say with confidence.

The Alpha stares at me with an emotion that I can't make out. He then looks over to Jason and smiles. "This one's a feisty, eh?" He says wiggling his eyebrows.

I can't exactly see him with all this darkness around us but when he stands up and puts his hand on the desk it's clear to see the authority radiating off him and how tall he is.

"Adam's been a bad dog. So we're punishing him." He says with a smirk on his face. My blood runs to a boil and before I launch myself to him Jason wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back. The Alpha starts to laugh while I start to pull myself towards the Alpha and scream at Jason to let me go.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I scream at the Alpha and he stops laughing. He grabs a knife that was on top of his desk and walks over to me. I stop moving and he steps in front of me with the knife pressed up against his throat.

"Now, now, Riley. I don't like threats." He says with a deep voice and his eyes go black. I let out a small whimper and he retrieves his knife and takes a step back. Jason released his grip on me and his hold on my arm is back.

"Do you have any idea as to why you're here?" The Alpha asks, his voice serious. "You have something that I want. No. Need." He says looking straight into my eyes.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." I say confused. What could I possibly have that he needs? I don't have a family. I only have Adam, Ryan and Emma. That's it. My parents didn't left me anything or at least not that I know of.

He stares at me long enough and he speaks to Jason while looking at me. "Bring him in." He says. Jason walks towards the wall next to us and knocks three times with a pause in between each knock.

The door opens and a bit of light comes from the other room. The first face I see is Jackson, he's struggling with something but I don't know what it is. And then I see him. Adam. He's shirtless and bloody and his hands are tied behind his back and Kevin's holding his arm while Jackson is holding his other arm trying to push him inside.

My heart beats faster and I can't seem to move. "Let me go!" Adam says moving side to side to try to get Jackson and Kevin off of him. They throw him to the floor and Kevin takes out a knife and cuts the rope.

"Adam?" I say with a shaky voice. And his beautiful eyes meet mine.

Aaaaaaand scene. *Cue curtains closing and my dear readers with their jaws dropped* Yes, yees, another chapteeerrr!! Finally, I feel like I'm getting back on track writing so hopefully tomorrow I start writing the next chapter.

But why so long to write if you're gonna leave the best part to the end? Well I wanted you guys to see that Jason is a good guy and he's very important in this book. So keep an eye out on that because something juicy is about to drop.

Hit follow so you know when I update! Follow my Twitter Ronnie_13_13 for sneak peeks of my next chapters and a few spoilers. I love you all so much!❤️ See you in the next chapter!

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