Chapter thirty seven

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I squint my eyes, searching through the darkness. It smells like sweat and blood in here, a stench so strong that it could cause someone to pass out. I yank my arms up, desperately trying to free myself from the bindings. My wrists burn against the harsh ropes that only dig deeper into my skin. There is absolutely no lighting in here, no sounds. The only thing I can hear is my shaky breathing matching with the relentless beating of my own heart. 

I hear a loud creaking behind me, a door. I see stray lines of yellow light streak across the floor, giving me a view of my bare legs. I still wear my pajamas-- which consists of a small pair of peach shorts and a white tank top. My toes are exposed to the sudden chill brought with the door swinging open. 

I hear footsteps approaching. Each step is slow and calculated, making the hair on my arms slowly raise. I hear a whoosh beside my ear, making me jump in my chair. A simple click follows as a beaded string scrapes across metal and a light turns on. I look above my head and make eye contact with a bright yellow light bulb. It swings from side to side above me, swaying back and forth. The bulb provides little light in the dirty smelling room. 

I squint my eyes again, looking around to see if I can identify my captor. The walls are made of stone, old and growing deep green mold on them. They look wet, as if it has just rained in here. Or maybe water seeps through them. I look to my right, a large splatter of blood hangs on the wall like a painting. Or a warning.

I hear a deep sensual growl beside my ear, freezing me in place. 

"I see you have awoken." He purrs out, his voice is so familiar. 

I turn my head to the side, but cannot catch a glimpse of him. I struggle in my ropes once again, trying to pry myself free. 

"Who are you!" I scream out into the darkness. 

I hear a chuckle in the distance from the man now hiding in the shadows. I hear his deep booming footsteps, following the sounds as he walks along the wall. He is just out of view, hiding in the shadows. 

"Why did you bring me here?" I growl out, balling my hands into fists. Despite the chill in the air, I feel a bead of sweat develop on my forehead. My heart begins to pound, knocking on the door of my chest. 

The man continues to walk, his arm appearing in the light for a moment. I can only see his black leather jacket, it has a large rip down the back of his arm, revealing smooth skin.

"What do you want with me?" I demand, stomping my bare feet on the ground. 

"So many questions..." He finally speaks, his deep voice bouncing off of the walls as he continues his slow round in the shadows. 

"Show me your face." I bark out, shoving my fear to the pit of my stomach. 

Cole is obviously working with him. He must have made a deal with him or something. He said he has to complete something, to remain living. His voice is so familiar, but he is not somebody I know. It isn't Aiden, it can't be.

"Do you remember the last thing I said to you, Heidi?" He stops walking. I feel his eyes staring directly into mine but I cannot see him. 

My heart stops a beat as my name rolls off of his tongue. His voice is so foreign, yet so known. he speaks as if he owns the room, as if he knows me. Just a word out of him and I feel like breaking. I want to cower down, beg for my freedom. I swallow hard, formulating my answer. 

Show no fear. 

"How am I supposed to know that if you do not show yourself to me." I grit out, trying my best to muster up my courage. 

"You owe me your life. That was the last thing I said to you. And now, I need you to do something for me. You see, I died. Luckily a friendly man offered me freedom from death." he explains, walking once again. His shoes echo out.

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