Chapter forty one

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Mud squishes between my toes for a split second before my feet rush to the next step. I run through the forest once again. The place Zane always seems to catch me. For some reason, I feel like this time might be different.

I just need air. I need to be away from him. I can't face him right now.

How is it possible that Zane is my mate? My mate is dead. Aiden is dead.

My clothes have been soaked in the pouring rain, sticking to my skin like glue. My hair is matted to my head, the dripping stands swinging in the wind as I run for my life.

I finally reach a big oak tree, gripping it's bark with my small hands to catch my breath. I heave from my desperate escape, my head spinning in all directions.

I look around the base of the tree and my eyes widen.

Zane stands still, staring at me intensely, his chest heaving up and down slowly.

His long hair falls in his face, dripping with the cold water. His clothes are just as soaked as mine. Droplets of water trail down his forehead, tracing lines down the side of his face to his sharp jawline.

I lick my lips, bowing my head down as I slowly step into his view.

"Did you seriously think you could run away from me in my own forest?" He breathes out, gesturing to the trees surrounding us.

"How is this even possible?" I yell, throwing my arms out to the rain that pours down around us, "My mate died." I grit through my teeth.

"I don't know, Heidi." He replies softly, "All I know is I felt the spark."

I shake my head, "I tried to kill you. How do you not hate me?" I bite my tongue, taking in a small breath.

"I would never hurt you. I told you that weeks ago, and I meant it."

"So what does this mean then? Do you expect me to just forget everything that you did and become your new Luna?" I scoff, running my hand through my soaking hair.

He looks at me with those little orbs of chocolate with an expression I have never seen before: Longing.

"I can't do this, Zane." I rub my temples as I look around at anything but his eyes.

He takes a step closer to me. A hesitant step, as if he is approaching a wild animal.

"Can't or don't want to?" He tilts his head, taking another step towards me.

I meet his eyes, my expression going hard. "I don't know. My brain tells me to run from you, Zane, to run far away and never look back." I bite, stepping towards him. His eyes dart to the ground, his face falling flat. "But my heart, or the bond, it tells me to stay. It tells me that I want you." I sigh out, rubbing the water from my eyes.

"Then stay." His eyes snap back to mine, "Stay and be with me. You feel this too, this is real." He takes another step forward, closing the gap between us. He brings his hand to cup my cheek, his hand is as cold as ice from the rain. The sparks tingle my skin, igniting a fire inside me.

I place both of my hands on his chest, shoving him roughly off of me. His back hits a tree and I am against him in a second, pinning him down with my pointer finger to his chest. His eyes widen at my force.

"You can't just do that!" I stutter, digging my finger into his chest, "You kill people, you killed my mate and, and... you've done terrible things."

He wraps his hand around mine, his eyes remain soft. "What I did was terrible, yes, but had I known I wouldn't have done it. Until I met you, I couldn't control my rage." He tilts his head, searching my eyes for emotion.

"I don't know what to do." I finally choke out, biting my bottom lip.

His eyebrows drop down with concern as he studies my face for a moment.

"Cole did this," I finally say, "He made us mates, he changed my life, he made sure Aiden died so I would meet you. He put us together and then made me try to kill you." My breath hitches as I fight the urge to cry.

It all sets in. I grieved over Aiden, but I was not crippled by the loss of my soulmate as much. When we touched and it was cold, that was because the bond was gone. I was automatically drawn to Zane from the moment I met him. But my attraction to Zane was different, it was stronger. As if Cupid himself had stuck me with an arrow.

"And I met you." Zane counters, rubbing my knuckles with his thumb, "I got to know you, you make me want to change everything. You offer to help me even after I had struck you down." He breathes out.

My lips part slightly as I stare at the creature pressed up against me. My mate. A man I have so many different emotions for.

I finally take a step away from him, turning my back as I run my fingers through my hair. The rain picks up its pace, pouring down all around us. The trees sway in the icy winds. Puddles have formed at my bare feet, creating thick mud.

"I can't do this." I whisper out into the air.

"Can't what. What are you so scared of?" He counters from behind me. I hear a small splash as he approaches me again.

"I can't let my heart get broken again. I can't let myself feel for you. It's wrong. It's just- it's not real. It's only because of a stupid bond." I whimper out.

Zane grabs my arm, turning me around to face him once again. I look into his deep brown eyes. His eyelashes are coated in water as the rain sticks his hair to his forehead.

"What if it's not because of the bond? Would it really be so terrible to love me?" he tilts his head to the side, "Maybe you're just scared to admit to yourself that you could feel for me." He cocks an eyebrow.

"I-" I stutter out, trapped in his gaze.

He places both of his hands on the sides of my face, letting out a deep sigh as he studies me.

"I was in love, then she died and I swore I could never love again." He explains with his tone strained,

"Then I met you." He breathes out.

His eyes flicker down to my lips for a second.

The same thing happened to me. I was in love, Aiden died. When he died he took a piece of me with him. I have changed so much since he died.

"Now that I have you, I'm not letting you go, ever." He states out. My heart flutters as my eyes float down to his lips.

I grab his shirt, scrunching it together in my fists. I pull his body forward, closing the gap between us. His warm lips touch mine, sparks engulfing my body.

His lips move against mine perfectly, as if we were sculpted to fit each other like a puzzle. I bring my arms up, running my fingers through his drenched hair. He moves a hand around my back, pulling me in closer to the kiss.

And in that moment, everything feels right.

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